I share a profund frustration.. I have burned out my MIG welder twice… ( and took lessons from a supurb woman welder and artisan ) and have yet to learn how to feed the wire at any consistant speed. I still need lessons! Cause I haven’t yet given up.
JoBism… if pay rates aren’t published, how are women supposed to be able to find out if they are being paid the same as their male co-workers?
Good heavens joB have you ever had a job? Now I see through the fog. You have no idea how businesses are run.
Because they aren’t supposed to know. It’s a private contract. People get fired for divulging that information. It may come as a shocker… if I own or manage a business.. my first rule is to get the best return I can on the people and assets I deploy. If I can keep two workers happy and contented, and pay one less than the other.. good for me! How do they find out? Simple… they go to the hundreds of web sites, social networking sites, heck, even get a few beers with their co-worker and pry the information loose. Bureau of Labor Statistics posts em, the library has volumes of books on labor wages and rate and ranges… then, if that worker feels justified and confident, they ask for a raise. If my need for his or her services and their productivity meet… they get a raise, If unemployment is higher than hell as it is now… and demand for my products is non existant, as it is now… I may not negotiate. You may quit too. No one chains you to the workplace.
See how that works? Now, please, Mr. President quit diddling around with these stupid distractions….this conniving, sleaze you call governance.. and allow us to create some damn jobs and job opportunity so our workers can come in with a smile, knowing they are in short supply and I can raise my prices and I can give them the raises they want. what a novel idea!
You are not going to get a raise solely on your belonging to a gender class. There are lots of reasons to pay more, or less, there are intangibles too… lots of them. willingness to work overtime, other skill sets, works well with others, makes others more productive by sharing knowledge and skills…not being a chronic complainer, can do attitude, respect for company property… lots of things.. not every job involves rote, mechanical tasks. Those that do…. that’s simple you don’t pay salaries or wages,, you are paid on units of output… that where you want labor to devolve to? Good managers think a lot about how to keep good workers… and how to replace bad ones when they can. Unemployment rates of 3 per cent, Job, that;s what works. Not 8.2 per cent.
TanDL.. let;s assume you are a great employee. You know what they look like. You will come in early, stay late,.if needed. You see a mess, you clean it up. You are a proactive worker. If I am a good manager…good owner.. I want to insure you stay in the company… you have potential.. You want the same pay as a co-worker who is in “it’s a job” mode.. all the time? That’s the equal pay act.