HMC Rich
The President’s speech was strange. It was not a rousing speech nor was it capitulation. I honestly felt he wanted to please everyone but knew he wouldn’t and didn’t. It seems like he was also saying that America needs to help the rest of the world like we have in the past but we don’t want to step on anyone’s toes because of the mistakes of the past. Very confusing.
I conclude that the Anti War crowd are extremely disappointed but the “Pro-Surge group” is not happy with the amount of troops and a deadline.
Candidate Obama had better speeches. This was weird.
What was one of the 3 points you never do in Asia from the movie “The Princess Bride”? Oh yeah, never fight a land war in Asia.
JoB, we did arm the anti-Soviet tribes but if Russia had kept its nose out of Afghanistan, maybe the Taliban would not have filled the vacuum.
The Taliban made Afghanistan a living hell. Talk about an Extremist, evil, bastardized form of government and an abandonment of freedom and basic human rights.
I wish we had killed UBL in Tora Bora when we had the chance. I wish we had taken him out years before also. I wish Opium wouldn’t grow in Afghanistan. What a mess.
If Vietnam taught us one thing, you don’t fight a war with half measures. It is a tough problem. There are no easy answers. NATO will not stay there forever. This is not Korea.
Pakistan has nukes. Taliban/Al Queda forces cannot get access to those. It must be lonely at the top sometimes.