Re: Not going to vote this year?



Data- “Are you even aware” my comments focus on the presidential election and only drift off that topic to clarify a point or two?

Jan- You read that as if I have a problem with the subjects I mentioned. In an earlier comment I said

“Other people are variables in my life therefore it’s important I understand their views.”

I don’t care if people take time to register and vote and then feel accomplished. What people do with their lives is none of my business. All the “political” problems we have are simnply because of our poorly designed and poorly controled government.

And when people actually think they’re making a significant change by (planning on)poking a finger on a computer screen on a box that says “Obama” and having a holier-than-thou attitude like they did something great is laughable. And when people look down on me when they are mistaken, I have a slight problem with that, sure.(I’m not saying anyone in particular has been condesending I’m simply summing up my experience with A LOT of avid voters into a simple comment)

Because a president alone doesn’t have that power. A political figure with more expierence, connections and leverage has power. Something that McCain is, and Obama is not. The sick part is that McCain’s position on alot of subjects are non-sensical in today’s society.

Also Jan I’m pretty sure I stated I have all the answers I need for all the problems I encounter and I almost always have answers for the people involved in my life…

Yep, I did. “You tell me. It hasn’t been my personal concern from the begining. Most of the change I want, I can bring about myself. And I do.”

So I’m not sure where your comment is coming from.

VG- In a presidential election, with our current government set up? No.

Even if there was some ground-breaking charasmatic political messiah of change running for president the chance your/my/anyone’s vote not being counted is entirely real.

Even between Rossi and Gregoire there were 3 re-counts, the final of which had gregoire elected while the other two had Rossi in the lead by different amounts. How is that possible if everyone’s vote is counted? It isn’t.

People credit Rossi’s wins because they were machine counted. There are going to be plenty of mechanized/computerized voting methods and vote counters for the presidential election all over the U.S., only proving my point further.

The only things we can’t change by ourselves, is the government.

Don’t want the economy to go bad? Easy, everyone just has to not buy things they can’t afford.

Don’t want abortion to be a “widespread” issue? Easy, get involved with people and teach them the merit of a responsible relationship, and raise your kids responsibly.

It IS that easy.


Voting is simply trusting someone else to hopefully change something else for you, and hope it trickles down the social ladder, home.

I’m not saying anyone is stupid for voting or anytihng like that. If voting empowers you and gives you a positive mindset then vote, vote, vote!

Just don’t preach about change and how you’re making a huge difference in the world when we have 4-5 recounts all with different results, but don’t get mad when I say “I told you so” either.