Wow…that’s the first time I’ve been called a racist in awhile. Hmm…isn’t “spade a spade” just a common colloquial phrase…kind of like “lipstick on a pig” is?
To assume, based on my opinions, that I think Republicans are above suspicion shows that you’ve bought what the lefty media shoves down YOUR throat.
You think I’m prejudiced because I used a phrase…I say you’re prejudiced because you don’t even know me, and yet you assume you know everything I think already.
News for you: I care only about the health of our great country. When I see negative things happening, I call ’em like I see ’em.
If Obama can turn around the economy by sheer force of will, by peddling a message of hope, and by helping to restore the people’s confidnce in the future of the country, I’ll applaud him.
But to do the above by expanding government, borrowing money from our children, claiming only government can save us from ourselves, fostering class warfare, increasing lower class dependence on the government’s good will, clamping down on private charity, and targeting certain classes of citizens for economic discrimination (i.e. the tax increase on the wealthy)…all of this is fallacy, and quite un-American.
Race has nothing to do with it. It’s all about what our representatives do with their power once we, the people, give it to them. President Bush did quite a few things I disagree with, and President Obama is currently on my bad side.