Hi, I’m your friendly webmaster (she, not he; my husband focuses primarily on business development) and I don’t have much of a clue what Ken is talking about either. We are content people, not technical people, or else this site would be brimming with a lot more widgets, geegaws, code, and technical razzledazzle than it does; this forum exists as an install of bbPress, and is here via the good graces of our pro-bono technical consultant Stuart Maxwell, melded to some degree with the database for the rest of the blog, which runs on WordPress, and I haven’t changed anything about how it works or doesn’t work. I do suggest you e-mail me personally if you have a question or concern and I will figure out how to investigate it; I know just enough to be dangerous but writing, reporting, editing, photographing, and processing the content for the main site takes so many hours per day, I don’t have a lot left over for technical tweakage. Kind of like my years in TV – I couldn’t fix a transmitter but by gosh, I could write copy and order crews around.