Re: Local Peace Group Celebrates 10 Years of War



To kdglg and others.

Many of us share your heart felt desire to do something about the virtual non-stop war and conflicts that keep showing up around the world.

I would like to offer an approach that seems to be having an effect although it may not be obvious from watching the news today.

This problem can be approached on many different levels. The level that we are familiar with is characterized by either using more force, i.e. the bigger stick theory or by using less force, e.g. civil disobedience, treaties and protests. Neither tactic has resulted in extended periods or areas of peace and harmony.

However about 50 years, a new technology of consciousness came out of India that offers hope for the world. It is a simple mental technique called Transcendental Meditation. Literally millions of people have learned TM because it is easy to learn, enjoyable to practice and it really changes our mental functioning, our health and our behavior.

We have a boatload of anecdotal evidence substantiated by rock solid research that indicates that it makes a significant difference for those who practice it.

What promise might this have for society and the world in general? It turns out that we don’t need everyone on the planet to be “OMing” for it to have an impact on a broad scale. Several studies have shown that when only about 1% of a population is practicing TM that several societal indicators change: hospital admissions, crime and accidents trend down and economies improve.

Unbelievable or impossible you say? Let me return to the idea of levels. We know that life is structured on many levels. There is the level of the senses, i.e. everything we can see, touch and smell. Beneath this is the molecular level and going more microscopic, we have the atomic and subatomic levels of life. We also understand that the deeper we go into the levels of creation; there exists more potential power and energy, e.g. the atomic bomb.

When we practice TM, we systematically and effortlessly take our awareness to the level of pure consciousness. We are awake and alert but not conscious of any thing. The scientists, who have observed and recorded this phenomenon, have postulated that it is the same level of life that is theorized as the basic level of life in the universe, the Unified Field. The Unified Field as I understand it is that level from which all life springs. Nothing exists there in form but it is the ground state of pure possibility and potentiality.

During TM we innocently experience this ground state of consciousness and that seems to simultaneously benefit the meditator and his/her environment in a measurable way.

Our organization has been dedicated to offering this time-tested practice for unfolding the full potential of the individual and as well as a viable means for realizing the greatest goal for humankind.

If you would like to investigate this for your own well being, release of stress, etc. and/or you’d like to start making a significant contribution to creating a peace loving planet, look for one of my future presentations on the events calendar of the blog.