Re: Is the War on women an organized effort?




You should consider what you are asking other people to do.

I was one of those moms who made the choice to have my child and give it up for adoption a little over 40 years ago.

I am a strong woman and that one act was nearly the undoing of me.

I am lucky.

My story has a happy ending.

I was reunited with my son and have established a good relationship with him and his family.

i know his grandchildren.

but I have sat with 60, 70, 80, 90 year old women who were forced to give up their children…

and have no idea what happened to them.

Many of those children grew up in the orphanages we no longer have.

I have since spoken to many of their children as well.

Neither can connect now because the records were lost or destroyed.

Even sadder are the stories of women who never got to acknowledge that the change of life baby mom had was really theirs.

If you are going to talk about the rights of the fetus..

you would do well to think about the rights of the adults they eventually become.