The two girls that were murdered in 1973/74, one was in 9th grade at Madison Jr. High. The two murders were connected, and were not Ted murders. I had always wondered what had happened, because I was at Madison at the time. I remember that a paper carrier discovered the bodies. Ann Rule wrote about the murders in one of her books, it involved two men that thought they were one person in separate bodies and astrology.
Had to wait over 30 years to read what happened in an Ann Rule book. There was a memorial flowering shrub and tree grove planted in front of Madison in memory of the one girl. It was torn out when Madison was remodeled.
The fellow that stomped the person to death was a former star football player for the Huskies. He had a wiry little friend that would rile someone up into a fight, and at the last minute he would step aside and let Big Boy take over. The pair was well known for this ploy. The gag took a tragic turn, and Big Boy and Pee-wee both spent some time in the big house for it.
I would leave the Rainbow House alone. The stories told about it are meant to keep people away. There are No Trespassing signs posted there.
Amazing how the crazy ghost stories pop up, and people don’t remember what happened a decade or two ago, and why people might want to be left in peace.
I known that Jan will remember this:
In the Genessee Hill area there was a gas explosion that was so violent it woke residents in their beds. A house went up in flames that could be seen throughout the area. A mother and her daughter lived in the house, along with a baby. Mother and daughter escaped. Daughter saw that her baby was not rescued, ran back into the house and perished along with the baby. I still feel sadness when I walk past where the house was.
and then there was the axe murderer that started out by writing in blood on the walls of the houses he broke into.