Re: Hot for Hillary




if you listened to NPR over the weekend.. you too would have heard the story about the group of Hillary supporters who became quite public about not supporting Obama after last tuesday’s primary and it’s biased coverage.

In fact, i am surprised you missed it on any news source… female anger has been quite a topic on the news lately… I was vacationing in Friday Harbor without a television and i still heard a great deal about it.

What those women will ultimately do still remains to be seen.. but dismissing their anger or blaming Hillary for it won’t make it go away.

And i am sorry to inform you that Clinton’s key supporters are not just white women without college degrees…. and i can tell you from personal experience that we are getting more than a little p….d off about being portrayed that way.

Pat Schroeder had quite a bit to say about being lumped with undereducated white women last week.

Perhaps you should read her remarks… they certainly exceeded anything i could have said.