JoB, nice to see you back. :-)
I hope that you reconsider when the dust settles, because the party needs you. We need everybody and Obama would be the first to say that. I think, in fact, he *has* said it.
I think reading this column helped me understand a lot…
But please don’t blame Obama for the racial and class hatred that has been fostered for decades (and that Hillary exploited with the gas tax holiday and the 3am ad). Some people with low incomes *are* poorly informed and/or prejudiced and that needs to be said. Nobody is served by denying it. Of course, I am someone who told my much-loved former MIL that she was a bigot. I still love her and she’s still a bigot.
Ironic that the liberal folks who happen to be educated and wealthy (using both terms loosely) are fighting for those very WVA people who sneer at them because of their race or their education or “elite”ness. I know this because I know or am related to plenty of these liberal/wealthy/goatcheeseaters and they vote and donate and work to help those who have less. (I am educated but definitely not wealthy myself.)
And for heaven’s sake, bowling is not a moral virtue. I’m *glad* Obama stinks at bowling. Basketball is a tougher and more demanding game and he’s good at it.
Hopefully Obama can help the working class see that he *is* on their side, and I do believe he is. Not an easy task, to be sure. And that he can reach out to the Hillary supporters too. Although I honestly think they are mad at something that has little to do with Obama.