Re: Hot for Hillary




This is getting personal.

Is there some reason you think you have the right to insult me?

blaming me for defending myself from attacks is blaming the victim for the crime.

since the only thing i said in my posts before i was attacked is:

“so much for the “will of the people” slogan.

To those delegates, that appears to mean only the will of the people who support Obama… the rest of us don’t count… or at least they hope we won’t:)

The Obama delegates were definately willing to bypass the will of the people (the caucus participants Clinton delegates represent) if it would earn them more delegates in the final 45.

So are Clinton delegates.”

it appears that any mention of the Obama campaign is a threat and therefore opens me allegations of hostility.

You chose to read this thread which i started as a separate thread on purpose.

If you don’t want to read posts by me. then don’t read a thread i started.. because i am probably going to post on it.

And please stop insulting me. I believe personal insults are not consistent with the policy on this forum.