Re: Holiday Debt



He does not want to learn, he already knows it all don’t you know.

Russia has every right to stop foreign adoptions bu not for the reason Putin is doing it..I personally believe we adopt way too many kids from other countries,lots of kids here to be adopted them first. I would hate to think had I ever had to put a child up for adoption it could end up a continent away.

Even though Russia is not like us it does not mean it is a terrible place to live and grow up.They have many orphanages,poorly run, most of the eastern block countries do.They have some real problems and they need to begin to work on the orphanages and care for the children but like here it is the economy that causes most of the kids to have to go there in the first place.They, like us, need more money for social services. Services that keep families together and services for the children that are put into orphanages.It takes money to run things,to run a country – pooled money – you know – tax dollars!!!! OMG…that sounds like socialism!!!