“No one wants to say it.. but,.. we aren’t immortal and fate throws turds in the air… 150K therapies are not a right.. and we spend so much on other things.. healtch care is going to be rationed one way or the other. I am amazed at how efficient the delivery system has been.”
did you even look around you when you spent that day at Nickelsville?
it doesn’t take much to see that health care delivery is far more efficient for some than for others kootch…
you get treated for your chronic health conditions
but those without money don’t..
so what starts out as a chronic treatable condition
becomes a critical life threatening condition
if preventative care is available.. you don’t “show up at 45 with high bp and cholesterol loads off the chart” looking for affordable health care.
those doing so now are largely those who avoided the “cost” of preventative care in their youth… and expect low premiums now when they actually need health care.
not those who get covered by medicaid. that bus passed them long ago.
oh wait.. you said medicare didn’t you?
medicare is what you get when you tie health insurance to a job kootch… and throw people into the for profit health care insurance system at the point when their consumption is highest.
without medicare.. there would be no option for health care insurance for the elderly…
affordable or not.
by definition.. it’s not likely to be profitable.