i show you respect.. please do the same for me.
“Obamas support is strongest among young middle class voters who have never participated in the elective system before.” So because younger individuals want to get rid of the Clinton/Bush Dynasty our votes shouldnt count.”
did i say any of that? I countered someone else’s presumption of the term “ruling elite” by pointing out that the oppressed (the poor) aren’t not Obama’s main constituency.. and that there might be other americans besides the ruling class and that constituency who count.
I won’t honor this by commenting further….
i don’t know who you are talking to, but it isn’t me.
And there is no Clinton/Bush dynasty…
nice talking point but it doesn’t exist.
as for the people’s interest… i would like to remind you that the reason Obama has not yet secured the nomination for the democratic party is that there are people who don’t believe he serves their interests.
I am one of those people. I may be the only one posting regularly here to defend my candidate… but i can tell you that actual election results show that i am not alone.
We are people too.