Avenue Q is playing at the Paramount through next weekend. My sister saw it in NYC and said it’s hilarious, but the Seattle Times says it’s geared towards 28-39 year olds. Kinda pricey tickets, but it might be worth checking out. For something really different, also at the Paramount, there’s silent movie Mondays where a guy will play the old Wurlitzer organ for silent films. I went last year and it was actually really cool.
I love taking people to the Ballard Locks and I think the Aquarium would be cool, but I haven’t been there since I was a kid so who knows if it’s worth it. I hear the Underground Tour is actually quite informative and you could ride the Duck. As cheesy at it seems, it’s a good way to see everything Seattle has to offer. Maybe take a tour of Safeco Field. Look into neighborhood art walks too, as those bring out a lot of people. Good luck!