I try so hard to help our daughter have different experiences, she is an only child and there are no children in our neighborhood which makes it worse!!! We have always been open to having her friends over to the house, that is if she can find some friends and maybe someday have a sleepover at our house. Our daughter luckily is very outgoing and very friendly and does not seem to have a hard time making friends at school it is just after school everyone disappears and she has us and her cat as playmates. Rarely are other parents at the school so I can’t even get to know the other parents!
I have always had her in at least 1 activity twice a week to be around other kids.
I will give the Girl Scout idea a try and see what they say and if there is room for her to join.
I have since written the school principal and also asked her to give my suggestion to the schools PTA so we wil see if anything comes of this!