Re: Button pushing…



hmmm…WSB…not sure about Huckabee and Romney. I have some Mormon friends who think that Mr. Romney can do no wrong…but…for me, he’s a scary dude…not because of his religion, but because he has flip flopped so much he puts Mr. Kerry to shame. He just doesn’t seem very real.

Mr. Huckabee is a different story. He’s a pleasant enough man, great sense of humor…polished…has musical talent, and appeals to a lot of people. I don’t trust him…he’s got a mean streak, and I sense that there is a different man inside that hasn’t come out yet.

And, frankly, in my humble opinion, neither has what it takes to lead this country, especially one that will be left at war, and an economy that is shaky in so many areas. I’m sure there are many who feel differently….anyone?