well, it got y’all talking about it. Bertha will or will not happen at this point. I just find it strange that it takes so little to “break” this machine.
At this point I am neither for or against it. It will be what it will be, and frankly, you and I have no control over it. We’ve had strikes, pipes, other delays, some investigating, etc. Will it truly do us any good in the long run? That remains to be seen. I get the people who are saying “I told you so”. I also get (sort of) the people who are saying “simmer down”, it ain’t no big deal (yet). If it takes a couple of months to figure it out and fix it (big if), when it reaches the viaduct this summer, the viaduct will shut down. School will be out, tourists will be here, traffic (esp. from West Seattle) will be a mess(more than it is now).So, yes, we need to be concerned, we need to pay attention. And we need to hold those who are accountable (read bottom line), accountable.
Talk on – I’m goin’ out for a burger :)