Re: 5.6 billion dollar deficit suugested cuts




Let me understand…

you think life should only be extended by medical means if the person has the resources to do so?

that puts you in the company of your insurance company who makes all of your medical decisions…

until they decide you don’t need the treatment that will save your life.

and in company with the idiots who pay for critical care at any cost but will not pay for medication or procedures that would avoid critical care altogether.

If we could donate the difference between medical costs in other countries and what is paid in our system… every man woman and child in the United States could have the best medical care available.

Why condemn individuals to death when you could simply change the system?

If Washington opened it’s health care plan up to individuals.. the cost of the entire program could be covered by the premiums of the new members… and everyone would have cheaper more effective medical care.

imagine that.