Re: 5.6 billion dollar deficit suugested cuts



neither the US or Washington State has infinite resources – there is a new cancer treatment drug that extends the life of someone maybe three months (per what I read) but costs $100,000 per patient and the typical patient is older and will die (life sucks) regardless. the fact is tough choices will need to be made.

providing basic health coverage setting broken legs, immunizations and the like is appropriate and cost effective. but those that want coverage for expensive procedures need to carry additional insurance.

i am definitely not in the privilege camp; paying my monthly health care insurance for me and my son is a big bite every month that i would love to have someone else pay for me. if everyone paid to play (risk based smoker and overweight; controllable items) the cost for each player can be kept more reasonable.

reality is that there are not limitless resources and tough choices need to be made. health care is a consumption use of limited resources. the US consumes more than it produces and now is a huge debtor nation.

do not harp on me for bringing dialogue to the table. what i am saying is not rocket science we cannot continue to consume more than we produce.