Save the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council

May 30, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Uptown Espresso
Erskine Way SW & California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116

We’ll be blunt–we don’t want GSNC to go away, but that is what will happen if we don’t find new blood. We think there are still plenty of good reasons to have a council, but after a good long run of being involved for 7+ years, all five of the current Executive Committee volunteers are ready to move on after a short transition period.

We will be hosting an informal coffee chat on Wednesday, May 30, to answer questions and share information with those curious about what it would take to continue the council. We would hate to see our banner, marketing materials, online accounts (like the one used to send this message), and website go to waste, so please consider joining us to meet a few like-minded folks–and bring a friend or neighbor!

When: 7 pm on Wednesday, May 30

Where: Uptown Espresso in the Alaska Junction, 4301 SW Edmunds (look for our sign)

**Interested but can’t make it? Please reply to with your contact information, and we will be in touch.**

Please consider: It might seem like GSNC’s work is done, now that the Genesee Hill School has been built and is operating successfully. However, we have at least a few issues affecting our neighborhood in the very near future–and you might know of others:

Support the Urban Homestead Foundation in their (daunting) quest to raise an additional $250K by December 2018 to purchase the old substation property at 50th & Dakota (across from the school) for a community space. If UHF cannot raise the money, the parcels will be sold for development.

Have group input to Seattle Parks during the public process scheduled for THIS FALL on development plans for the vacant land at 48th & Charlestown. GSNC was instrumental in saving this land for public use.

Have a group voice on the Sound Transit alternatives for bringing light rail to the Alaska Junction.


GSNC is also a wonderful group for hosting “get to know your neighbor” events (another Ice Cream Social, anyone?) to build community.

Thanks for considering this opportunity to get to know some of your neighbors and make a difference in our community!

6 Replies to "Save the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council"

  • Sarah McCaghren May 28, 2018 (4:54 pm)

    Related question for readers, spme of whom, like me, probably checked the boundaries of this good organization and found I live just outside them –  Does anyone know where we can see what other neighborhood councils exist?  I’ve been involved in WS groups before, but I’m now in a new area.Thanks in advance!  I’m guessing there’s a link, although a Google search showed nothing.Sarah

    • WSB May 28, 2018 (5:11 pm)

      We’ve been covering all of WS’s councils for a decade now. There’s no really comprehensive list but if you are south, there’s the West Seattle Junction Organization; if you’re north, could be the Admiral Neighborhood Association. There are gaps, however. – TR

    • Jon Wright May 30, 2018 (11:10 am)

      Sarah, I think you have identified a big gap in the information that is out there about neighborhood associations. I also live just outside the GSNC boundaries (south of Alaska and east of 49th) and want to be involved but there is no neighborhood group. Seaview seems to be a big hole in the world of neighborhood groups. Perhaps Nextdoor would be a good place to look for like-minded folks?

      • WSB May 30, 2018 (12:44 pm)

        Or show up tonight and propose making it Genesee-Schmitz-Seaview! Anyway, trust me, having covered the community councils here for 11-plus years now, even the established neighborhood groups that aren’t asking for help could ALL use it and are always excited to see new people show up … so you might as well start your own!

  • Kerrie Schurr May 29, 2018 (7:03 pm)

    Hi Sarah-If you live near the Genesee-Schmitz borders, you might also find that you live in an area covered by the Morgan Community Association (MoCA) or the Alki Community Council. Check their websites for maps. I don’t think the boundaries of GSNC are set in stone by any means; I believe they were originally drawn so as not to overlap with some of the other community organizations’ territories, but there are indeed gaps, as Tracy noted. You could certainly lobby your nearest neighborhood council to have your area added to their current map.

  • Tamsen Spengler May 30, 2018 (8:07 pm)

    Yes Seaview could definitely start their own. And have a seat at the Southwest District Council. We’ll be meeting wed., June 6th from 6:30- 8:00 pm. Come to our meeting as a resident of west seattle !

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