Tues. September 29 (6:00 pm to 8:00 pm); Delridge Community Center. Presentation of the Draft Action Plan and more:
The City of Seattle is collaborating with the North Delridge (north of SW Elgrove St.) community to produce a shared vision and action plan to continue the work of improving the health, equity, and vitality of the Delridge community.
The City and community advisory committee have responded to community direction and produced a draft “Action Plan” for the North Delridge area. They are inviting the community to a meeting on Tuesday, September 29, 6:00–8:00 pm at the Delridge Community Center to:
* Confirm community priorities for actions the City and community can take to create great community places along Delridge Way, address drainage and flooding, and increase access to healthy food, while making recreation, walking, biking, and taking transit an easier choice.
* Help provide details for the Healthy Delridge Parks Vision that will identify how park facilities can support a healthy Delridge community.
* Join forces with City staff and community organizations to identify the next steps for taking action.Help shape the next steps we’ll take together to implement your vision for North Delridge at our workshop.
Light snacks and childcare provided.
This workshop is presented by Seattle Department of Planning and Development and Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
Delridge is an area in West Seattle with a rich heritage that is home to diverse communities and organizations. Over the years, the residents of Delridge have worked with the City to create neighborhood assets such as the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail, Cottage Grove Park, the library, and affordable housing. Fifteen years ago, the Delridge community completed their neighborhood plan. Now there are new opportunities to seize and challenges to meet.
The North Delridge Action Plan team is collaborating with two other City projects, and will help direct their ongoing work. The Delridge Way SW Multimodal Corridor Study seeks to transform Delridge Way SW (from SW Roxbury St. to the West Seattle Bridge) into a safer and healthier public space with more predictable movements of people and goods. SPU is developing a Natural Drainage Systems (NDS) Partnership Program. This program will achieve the water quality goals identified in the Plan to Protect Seattle’s Waterways by working with sister agencies and community partners to deliver high-value neighborhood improvements.
Visit DPD’s web site (www.seattle.gov/dpd/delridge) and sign up to receive updates.
To learn more about these projects, contact David Goldberg at (206) 615-1447, davidw.goldberg@seattle.gov or visit: www.seattle.gov/dpd/planning/delridge.