Healing Yoga class

March 26, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
(see listing)
5601 california Ave SW
seattle wa

Healing YOGA on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 10-11 am

Are you looking for a YOGA class with slow, therapeutic and meditative class nearby?? Here it is! You will practice with deep breathing and comfortable flow as your own pace, which allows you to feel right and good without injuring yourself. Let’s share the positive and joyful energy together.

Everyone is welcomed but please be resister in advance before. Please bring your own mat to support your body, if you want to use a chair or cushion as you cannot sit on the ground, there are enough chairs and a few cushions you can use.

Instructor: Maiko Takenaka
Location: 5601 california Ave SW
Contact:: takenakamaiko@gmail.com
Fee:Donation (based on how you feel regarding to the experience, minimum $5 is recommended)

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