How to help 4114 results

Fund set up for Chief Sealth High School student hurt in crash

Another update this morning as 16-year-old Chief Sealth High School student Coreena Wolford continues her fight to recover from major injuries suffered in a crash 9 days ago. As reported previously (last week’s story here, Monday update here), Coreena collided with another driver the afternoon of May 6th, while she was driving to South Park’s Concord Elementary for her volunteer work with the Team READ tutoring program. She has been in the hospital ever since, and her family is now approving updates to a Caring Bridge website set up to provide information on her recovery (that’s where the photo at left is from). This morning, there’s a new post – a fund is finally set up for those who want to donate to help with Coreena’s expenses:

Bank: BECU (Boeing Employees Credit Union)
Account Name: Benevolent Account for Coreena Wolford
Account Number: 3583245599 (checking)
BECU Routing Number: 325081403

You can donate at any BECU branch, or use that information for a transfer from your own account at any bank. Meantime, a short update on Coreena’s condition accompanies that information, saying she is “doing much better.” You can sign her online guestbook here.

Furry Faces plant sale to spotlight West Seattle author too

May 15, 2009 7:11 am
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Since Furry Faces Foundation‘s big plant sale this weekend is all about raising money to help animals, a bonus event on Saturday fits right in: West Seattle author Val Mallinson will be signing and selling copies of her books “The Dog Lover’s Guide to the Pacific Northwest” and “The Dog Lover’s Guide to Seattle” for the first four hours of the first sale day, donating $1 from each book sale to F3. As F3’s announcement puts it, “Together with her faithful companions Cooper and Isis—also known as “The Wonder Wieners”—Val reveals the best dog-friendly romps, digs, and eats in the Pacific Northwest in these two new guidebooks.” She’ll be there 10 am-2 pm tomorrow (Saturday); the plant sale is 10 am-4 pm Saturday and Sunday; the location both days is 3809 46th Ave SW (map). And did we mention the plant sale also will offer pet-adoption opportunties? in addition to the “1,200+ healthy, nursery quality plants at reasonable prices, beautifully suited for Pacific NW gardens” – even more details here.

Delridge Playground update: $670 to go …

May 14, 2009 11:48 pm
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 |   Delridge | How to help | West Seattle parks

Two nights after all those kids (and some accompanying grownups too) got together to design the future Delridge Community Center playground, Betsy Hoffmeister posted this pitch via Facebook, reminding they just need a bit more cash for the project:

Shameless plea for cash: NDNC must raise $670 more in earnest money for the Delridge Community Center Playground Project. Here’s how to send anything from $5 to $670: go here and make a donation. In the comment box write “FOR NDNC PLAYGROUND PROJECT.” Tell me how much you sent so I can keep track and send a TXU/tax letter.

Betsy’s at betsy (at) hoffmeisters (dot) com. NDNC is North Delridge Neighborhood Council, for which she serves as co-vice chair.

Hike tomorrow, lupus 5K Sunday – and the weather’s improving!

It just might get into the 70s by tomorrow. So if you’re free in the afternoon, join the Nature Consortium‘s free monthly hike in the West Duwamish Greenbelt, 1 pm tomorrow (14th/Holly; map), RSVP to Lisa Corbin (, who tells WSB, “There has been a lot of work done recently with the trails and an entire hillside has been cleared of blackberry and planted with natives, not to mention the spring growth of skunk cabbage, trillium, etc. A great time to see the greenbelt.” Then on Sunday at Alki, you can join the 5K to help fight lupus, a chronic auto-immune disease:

To be specific, Sunday’s event is the Seattle/Puget Sound Walk with Us to Cure Lupus Walk-a-thon (photo above is from last year’s event). The ALR Walk with Us to Cure Lupus event will be a 3 mile (5K) walk, starting at Alki Bathhouse at 9 am To be part of it, call Laurie Gray at 206.919.6270 or visit (where you can also pledge to support walkers, if you can’t be there in person).

Update: Delridge playground planning meeting – colors, wishes

By Kathy Mulady
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The Delridge Community Center playground-planning meeting (earlier update here) just ended, with a firm idea of the types of toys that will be included in the final design and the preferred colors – purple for the plastic parts, spring green for the poles and sunny yellow for other metal parts like bars and railing.

The playground will be built with the help of KaBoom, with lots of community donations and sweat.

The fun part of the meeting was picking out the equipment; the wish list includes a loopy whoop, whirligig, all kinds of slides, a play house or village shop, a super satellite, e-z digger, and something called “crazy bones.”

Next, the equipment will be arranged into three designs that will be presented at another community meeting in about two weeks.

That was the fun part. There is also a lot of work. All the playground building will happen on Friday, July 17. There will be two days of prep work, before the big build.

Several people volunteered to be team captains, and they would love some more help from the community: Overseeing recruitment is Chris Southam (; public relations, Holli Margell (; safety and maintenance, Benjamin Pulanco ( and youth involvement, Lou Edwards (

There is also a green committee to make sure the build is environmentally friendly, a food committee, and a logistics committee that is charged with figuring out where all the volunteers will park on the big day.

KaBoom has built about 1,600 of these playgrounds across the country and has the details down. The slides and swings and climbers are made by Playworld.

Recovering from a fire: A plea for West Seattle help

May 12, 2009 7:56 pm
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 |   How to help | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

(January 2009 photo by C. Simmons)
You just might be hearing from West Seattleite Megan Lingafelter tomorrow — she’s starting a quest for donations to enhance a benefit auction to help a local music producer recover from a devastating loss during that huge fire alongside the Spokane Street Viaduct 4 months ago. (The photo above shows part of the burned wreckage, which was centered at Pacific Sheet Metal.) Read on to see the letter Megan is circulating:Read More

Happening now: Delridge playground design meeting

May 12, 2009 5:01 pm
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 |   Delridge | How to help | West Seattle parks

Right after posing for that photo moments ago at Delridge Community Center, those kids all got stickers certifying they are “Playground Designers” – the drawings they made in the preceding hour are proof of that, too. The kids’ portion of the meeting to design DCC’s future playground is over – a spaghetti dinner is about to start – but if you’re interested in the project, there’s still time to get here and join in the grownups’ meeting (with child care provided) starting around 5:30 pm. End result: A playground is to be built, with the help of KaBoom, to replace the unsafe, aged one that DCC has now, in a one-day session (followed by a week or so of curing) in mid-July; the project still needs volunteer help and some money donations too – betsy (at) hoffmeisters (dot) com is your contact if you can pitch in.

Just hours till your family’s chance to help design a playground

May 12, 2009 10:40 am
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One more reminder – today’s the day: Not only is this a rare chance to help design a playground (backstory here) – it’s a rare opportunity for children to be part of the process as well as grownups. 4 pm today marks the start of an all-ages afternoon and evening – with free dinner! — helping shape the new playground that Delridge Community Center will get this summer, thanks in no small part to KaBoom, which helps local communities get new playgrounds that — with volunteer help and community support – are built in a day. The design discussions start at 4 pm with a “kids’ meeting” for their ideas on what they want to see; 5 pm, spaghetti dinner; 5:30 pm, adults’ meeting (with child care provided!). North Delridge Neighborhood Council co-vice-chair Betsy Hoffmeister is hoping for a big turnout – the bigger the turnout, the more support for the new playground, and the more ideas for what it’ll be like, the merrier! Just show up at the community center and jump in.

Want to raise a future guide dog? West Seattle group needs you

Want to raise a puppy to become a guide dog? Tomorrow night is your next chance to meet the folks with West Seattle Guide Dogs for the Blind. They sent the photo at left – that’s Kenneth, 5 months old, now being raised by Cheryl Phelps in West Seattle. The group has a meeting at 7 pm tomorrow (Monday 5/11) at Hiawatha Community Center – or, if you can’t go, get in touch with Sue Bonney, or 206-330-7999. (Want to know more about what it’s like to raise a guide dog? The people you’ll meet tomorrow night will have the best answers, of course, but this webpage offers more info, too.)

Got these on your calendar? Helpline and Kiwanis events ahead

May 10, 2009 5:31 pm
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Last month, we took that photo at Hillcrest Presbyterian as West Seattle Helpline volunteers helped executive director Anna Fern (right) prepared for the first visits to the relaunched Clothesline clothing bank (WSB preview here). Clothesline is just one way that Helpline offers a hand to local families who need help – NOW – and this week, you get a chance to in turn help Helpline, NOW, while having a good time: The annual Taste of West Seattle fundraiser is Thursday night, at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 6:30-9 pm, with myriad West Seattle restaurants participating — some offering more than one “taste”! Contact Helpline for tickets – all the info’s online. Two weeks later, quite the fundraising bash in the works as the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle celebrates its 80th anniversary – just yesterday, we caught up with the Kiwanis at their West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day event:

While there, we got a poster for their May 31st “Roaring Twenties to the Twenty-First Century” event at South Seattle Community College, with proceeds benefiting community projects including scholarships, and Kiwanian Warren Lawless e-mailed today to be sure we’d heard about it:

Come celebrate the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s 80 years of service to our Community!

Sunday, May 31 2009
5 PM – Social Hour . 6 PM Dinner
Brockey Center at SSCC

For tickets contact us at or 206 330-6843

Proceeds benefit the Kiwanis Scholarship Fund for SSCC students and the children of West Seattle through the club’s 21st Century Fund (a 501.c.3 entity)

Also happening right now: Gateway cleanup followup

May 9, 2009 10:16 am
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 |   Environment | How to help | West Seattle news

Myron with the blackberry-whooper,” is how Sharonn Meeks captioned that photo, sent from the followup cleanup happening along a section of the “Gateway” stretch of the Fauntleroy Way end of The Bridge – sequel to the huge cleanup last September (as covered here), organized by the Fairmount Community Association. If you want to pitch in, they’re continuing till about 1 pm. Thanks to Sharonn for the photos!

Unrelated P.S., one more reminder of another way to do good today – Be sure your bag of nonperishable food is out for your letter carrier to pick up as part of the one-day-only Stamp Out Hunger food drive!

11:26 AM UPDATE: Another photo from Sharonn – Earl Cruzen, whose hard work helped pave the way for many special things around West Seattle, including Walking on Logs, which is part of today’s cleanup and the backdrop for this photo:

Sharonn notes Earl is still going strong at 89 AND despite the fact he’s recovering from a stroke a few months ago.

ADDED LATER: One last pic from Sharonn – the results!

Volunteers needed: West Seattle Edible Garden Fair 2 weeks away

May 8, 2009 2:34 am
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We first told you two months ago about the impending West Seattle Edible Garden Fair (WSB story here), with subsequent mentions and reminders along the way as the food-gardening movement continues to grow in West Seattle … now, with two weeks till the May 23 event, Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle is looking for additional volunteer help. The Edible Garden Fair is 9:30 am-4 pm May 23 at South Seattle Community College, tackling topics such as: Growing Gourmet Vegetables, Building Safe and Healthy Soils, Gardening in Small Spaces, Cooking with Northwest Greens, and a Panel on Victory Gardens, Then and Now (full list of presentations here). The soon-to-open West Seattle restaurant Fresh Bistro (in the Mural Apartments [WSB sponsor] building) will provide food samples, and you’ll even get the chance to recycle used garden books and tools. If you can volunteer some time to help with the fair, e-mail Aviva:

Don’t just put your mail out Saturday – put food out too

(Photo courtesy the mayor’s office)
That’s Mayor Nickels meeting with local letter carriers in Wallingford to help get the word out about this Saturday’s annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive – the most convenient food drive of the year, since it comes right to your house. You may have gotten the special blue plastic bag with your mail already, but if you didn’t, you can use any sort of regular grocery bag too; just fill it with nonperishable food items and put it by your mailbox (or your door, if that’s where you get your mail) on Saturday morning, before your mail delivery, so your letter carrier can pick it up. Once the pickups have been happened and letter carriers have transported the food back to participating post-office sites, with volunteers’ help, Food Lifeline gets the donations and distributes them to local food banks – both food banks that serve our area, the West Seattle Food Bank and the White Center Food Bank, will benefit from what’s donated around here. So before you hit the road to shop during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (maps and updates here) – or if you’re selling, before your shoppers start arriving – put out something for this more-important-than-ever cause. Here’s more information about this nationwide food drive.

Cat adopt-a-thon at Alki Community Center on Saturday

Saturday is already a great shopping day because of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (here’s how to get The Map!) – if you’re in the market for a new pet too, check out adoptable foster cats at Alki Community Center. (The one pictured at left got a home during the last West Seattle adoption event in November.) We posted this in the WSB Forums yesterday but wanted to mention it here too while we have a moment – read on for the official announcement:Read More

Happening today/tonight: Multiple ways to reach out and help

(photo added 10:47 am from Furry Faces hanging-basket sale, courtesy Lora at Hotwire, who notes Teri from Furry Faces has two canopies to keep shoppers/basketmakers dry!)
They include fundraising rummage sales for West Seattle Montessori School (WSB sponsor; sale is at the nearby American Legion Hall) and Arbor Heights Elementary, a barbecue at West Seattle Thriftway to raise money to fight breast cancer, Furry Faces Foundation‘s hanging-basket plant sale in the Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) courtyard to benefit animal rescue, the Rainbow Girls‘ car wash at White Center Albertson’s, and the West Seattle Lions Club‘s sock hop at the Seattle Lutheran High School gym to benefit a scholarship fund. More information on all those events – and what else is happening today/tonight – click here to jump directly to the Saturday section of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.

Admiral Adopt-a-Street tomorrow: Pitch in, get treats!

May 1, 2009 3:40 pm
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admiralogo.jpgOne more event tomorrow — Admiral Neighborhood Association president Mark Wainwright reminds us that tomorrow’s the day for neighbors to gather outside Metropolitan Market at 9 am to launch the quarterly Adopt-a-Street cleanup. Supplies provided, free treats, plus a chance to do something to make your neighborhood look better (like the North Delridge Neighborhood Council and Chief Sealth High School PTSA did along Delridge Way LAST Saturday!).

Update: Delridge playground breakthrough, and how you can help

Yesterday, we brought you North Delridge Neighborhood Council co-vice chair Betsy Hoffmeister‘s report on a proposal that could bring a major improvement to the Delridge Community Center playground for a dramatically reduced cost – if the city would go along with an innovative proposal to get it done. Today, good news from Betsy – one important approval is in – but help is still needed — here’s what she just wrote about what’s happening and how you can pitch in:

We have a commitment from our AMAZING community neighbor, McLaughlin Brothers Construction, to prepare the site at Delridge Community Center for building a new playground – for FREE. This means we could get a new playground at Delridge Community Center on July 17. That’s only 10 weeks away!! Most amazing of all, we got approval from the Parks Department to allow the pro bono work in this special circumstance. One of the least-served communities in the West Seattle Peninsula could get a brand new playground with a less than $11,000 commitment from the community.

Here’s how it works:

a) The Community Center wrote a proposal to KaBOOM! This proposal included a promise of $7,500 in earnest money towards the purchase of playground equipment. With a yard sale, raffle, donations from neighbors from North Delridge, Nucor Steel, BECU, MacMillan Piper, Wick Homes, Cyclops Restaurant, and the Community School of West Seattle, we have raised $6680. The Community Center has come up with some cash of their own, too. So we were able to promise the $7500.

b) KaBOOM! loved the proposal. KaBOOM! then did two screening interviews.

c) The Community Center wrote a Small and Simple proposal to the City for funding for the site preparation. That decision doesn’t come down until mid-May, and KaBOOM! needs to know whether we can get the site prepared way before then, so we hustled out and found our fairy godparents, Paul and Sally of McLaughlin Brother’s Construction (seriously, if you need a hole dug or a driveway made, these folks are the ones for you! Support your neighbors!) So, we hustled REALLY hard and got the City to agree to this pro bono work. You’d be amazed at how much red tape is involved in allowing someone to do something for the City for free.

d) KaBOOM! will now go to its top-secret corporate partner and say “We think the Delridge Community Center is an excellent fit for your corporate dollars, and we think you should build a playground there.” The sponsor will ultimately make that decision.

e) When the corporate sponsor says “YES we want to build a playground at Delridge,” KaBOOM! representatives will come to the Community Center on May 12 to meet with children and their parents about their wishes for the new play space, and other improvements to make to the area as in gardens, painting a mural on the wading pool, planting fruit trees, and anything else that will beautify and improve the area. These are called “side projects.” We also rush and get the soil tested for lead and arsenic. If your business does this and you are on the approved list for the Parks Department, consider donating your services!

f) The designers come up with three proposed designs. After the Parks Department swiftly approves the designs, the community at large, but most especially the kids in the day care, preschool, before and after school, and neighborhood kids, gets to choose its favorite design.

g) McLaughlin Brothers prepares the site. We bake them lots of cookies.

h) We plan a huge party, including food, music, entertainment, and fun, and gather 70 volunteers. On July 17, over 100 volunteers from the corporate sponsor swoop in and we all get to build the playground, plant the trees, paint the wading pool, and have fun together!!

The wish list at this point includes:
1) Laminated sign at the playground saying “here’s what’s coming and here’s how to help.”

2) $4,000 to cover any miscellaneous expenses we haven’t foreseen like renting a Dumpster or putting up safety fencing. Please, keep those pledges coming. Remember, these are PLEDGES. NDNC doesn’t cash the checks until we get the grant from KaBOOM!

3) A city-approved soil testing company to donate their services.

4) Volunteer musicians and performers for the celebration day.

5) Lots of comments on the Blog to show KaBOOM how excited we are.

Three ways to do a good deed today … and one later

#1 — Since today is the last day of April, it’s also the last day that your donations – while appreciated any time of the year – pack an extra punch for West Seattle Food Bank and White Center Food Bank, because of the Feinstein Challenge (explained here). To donate online to WSFB, go here; to donate online to WCFB, go here.

#2 — Speaking of food, it’s Dining Out for Life day, with participating restaurants around Seattle donating part of the day’s proceeds to Lifelong AIDS Alliance. West Seattle/White Center participants: Skylark Cafe and Club and Ama Ama Oyster Bar and Grill (WSB sponsors), Coffee at the Heights, Full Tilt Ice Cream, Eats Market Cafe, Abbondanza Pizzeria, Buddha Ruksa. Take note of an extra element: If you donate $25 or more tonight, you get to be in the 20% Off Tuesdays club, which means 20% off your tab at a smaller group of participating restaurants (Skylark and Abbondanza, in West Seattle) throughout the year.

#3 — What to do after you Dine Out for Life? How about – enjoy a fashion show that’s raising money to help breast cancer patients? Tonight is the night West Seattle-based Northwest Hope and Healing (WSB sponsor) presents Style ’09 at Showbox SODO. Ticket info’s here.

#4 — This one’s a couple weeks away but the target audience might want to plan ahead. Cathy Cooper sent this announcement:

The junior-high youth group at Holy Rosary Parish here in West Seattle is planning a “Youth in Action” Benefit Concert for the West Seattle Food Bank. The public is invited, but we’d especially like to encourage junior and senior high school students from West Seattle to join us on Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm at Holy Rosary school.

Dennis Zender, singer/songwriter lead singer for Truce (a local Seattle rock band) will be performing. Dennis is music minister at Holy Cross Parish in Lake Stevens, and has been performing at Catholic high schools and youth groups in the Puget Sound area. You can hear music from his album, Walls, at

Admission is almost free! We¹re asking folks to bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the West Seattle Food Bank to gain entry.

Lesson in giving: Painters and Allied Trades Union’s gift to SWYFS

April 29, 2009 7:52 am
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 |   Delridge | How to help | West Seattle news

That’s Southwest Youth and Family Services director Steve Daschle front and center, with students and staff from one of the high-school re-entry classes in the Southwest Education Center at SWYFS HQ in North Delridge. The photo op was to thank the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades’ regional council for a $10,000 donation to SWYFS. The money was raised by the union’s community-assistance effort PATCH, from the proceeds of an annual golf tournament (the next one’s coming up June 20 at Fort Lewis – contact Cara at SWYFS if you’re interested). SWYFS administers a variety of area programs, and is ramping up with its most high-profile assignment yet, managing this area’s section of the city’s new Youth Violence Prevention Initiative; Daschle says the city money for that work starts coming in July, but SWYFS already is well into its planning and preparation for components such as anger-replacement therapy work.

Tonight: Endolyne Joe’s fundraiser for Fauntleroy Fall Festival

April 28, 2009 3:49 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | How to help | West Seattle restaurants

It’s been on the WSB Events calendar for weeks, but we just got a request for one last reminder: Endolyne Joe’s is donating a portion of its proceeds tonight to the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. 10:08 PM UPDATE: Carrie from EJ’s says they “met (their) sales goal” so that means about $1,000 going to the FFF.

2 West Seattle food notes: Zeeks change; Dining Out for Life

ZEEKS PIZZA: We checked in with Zeeks Pizza‘s Dan Black to see if everything was on track for the grand-opening plan at the new Morgan Junction location (California/Fauntleroy) this Friday – he says yes, with one change: Instead of opening at 11 am, they will open the first day at 4 pm. (Here’s our story from last week about their delivery boundaries.)

DINING OUT FOR LIFE: Last week, we passed on the word from the Lifelong AIDS Alliance that it needed one more restaurant to match last year’s total of 155 participants (food/drink venues that will donate part of their proceeds this Thursday). Just heard back that two local establishments that saw the note here have signed up – and now, citywide, Dining Out for Life has a record 160 participants! The two local additions are Coffee at the Heights (whose proprietors mentioned in comments on that report that they were signing up) and Full Tilt Ice Cream; they join WSB sponsors Skylark Cafe and Club and Ama Ama Oyster Bar and Grill, as well as Abbondanza Pizzeria, Eats Market Cafe and Buddha Ruksa (full Seattle participant list here).

Get in pre-Garage Sale Day mood NEXT Saturday: 2 school sales

April 27, 2009 9:22 pm
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ARBOR HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY: Dana Varon from the Arbor Heights PTSA e-mailed to announce their fundraiser rummage sale next Saturday (May 2)- and they’re looking for donations. The sale is 9 am-1 pm at the school (map); Dana adds, “We will be accepting donations at the main entrance of the school on Wed April 29th and Thurs April 30 from 3pm to 4:00 pm and on Friday May 1st from 3 pm to 6:30 pm.”

WEST SEATTLE MONTESSORI: As you may have noticed in the school’s ad on the WSB sidebar, WSMS has a Community Rummage Sale next Saturday, 9 am-3 pm at the American Legion Hall (map).

As for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday 5/9 – the map (180+ sales now!) is in progress, and more updates tomorrow.

Just days till Style ’09: Fashion and fun for NW Hope and Healing

(photo from Style ’08, courtesy Northwest Hope and Healing)
Just three nights till Style ’09, the fashion-show fundraiser for West Seattle-based Northwest Hope and Healing, which helps breast-cancer patients all around the area with some of the practicalities of life after they’ve been diagnosed. NWHH rejoined WSB as a sponsor recently to help get the word out about the event, 7 pm Thursday at Showbox SODO with local boutiques and salons among the participants; there are still some tickets left, and since it’s coming up Thursday night, we wanted to make sure you had the full story, so to speak – here’s the official news release:

– NFL veterans Nesby Glasgow and Greg Lewis are among the many celebrity models who will saunter down the fashion runway on April 30 to help raise money for breast cancer patients. “Style ’09: Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good” will feature the hottest spring fashion trends and collections of 10 Seattle boutiques as modeled by local celebrities and community members. All proceeds benefit breast cancer patients at Swedish Medical Center.

Other runway models include Shawn Stewart, radio personality at 103.7 The Mountain; John Maynard, former host of the Robin & Maynard Show; Brian Canlis, third generation visionary of the iconic Canlis Restaurant; and local breast cancer survivors and supporters whose lives have been impacted by this disease.

Participating boutiques include Carmilia’s, Coastal [both in West Seattle], Canopy Blue, Nuvo Moda, The Finerie, Oslo’s, Asher Anson, Lululemon, Clutch, Kick It Boots & Stompwear.

Style ’09: Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Look Good (general admission): $40
Feel Good (includes VIP reception): $125
Do Good (front row table seating for two): $500
Top Model (Choice of modeling in the show or front row table seating for four): $1,000

Purchase tickets at or any of the participating boutiques.
Tickets will also be available at the door.

Feel Good/Do Good VIP Reception: 6 p.m.
Look Good Admission: 7 p.m.
Showbox SODO
1700 First Avenue South, Seattle
Ages 21 and over

Northwest Hope & Healing is a non-profit organization founded by Christine Smith in 2000. Christine created the Foundation while undergoing breast cancer treatment at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, WA. Her goal was to help newly diagnosed breast cancer patients in the Puget Sound area.

The mission of Northwest Hope & Healing is to provide financial assistance to patients in need, for non-medical support services such as child care, meal service, transportation, and emergency rent. In addition, our signature “Healing Baskets” are assembled and delivered, at no charge, to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

The goal of Northwest Hope & Healing is to assist women with the healing process so they may begin to feel whole once again. We assist women on their journeys and give them hope for the future.

Again, you can buy tickets online here, or at the West Seattle venues mentioned above – Carmilia’s (in The Junction) and Coastal (on Alki).