Don’t just put your mail out Saturday – put food out too

(Photo courtesy the mayor’s office)
That’s Mayor Nickels meeting with local letter carriers in Wallingford to help get the word out about this Saturday’s annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive – the most convenient food drive of the year, since it comes right to your house. You may have gotten the special blue plastic bag with your mail already, but if you didn’t, you can use any sort of regular grocery bag too; just fill it with nonperishable food items and put it by your mailbox (or your door, if that’s where you get your mail) on Saturday morning, before your mail delivery, so your letter carrier can pick it up. Once the pickups have been happened and letter carriers have transported the food back to participating post-office sites, with volunteers’ help, Food Lifeline gets the donations and distributes them to local food banks – both food banks that serve our area, the West Seattle Food Bank and the White Center Food Bank, will benefit from what’s donated around here. So before you hit the road to shop during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (maps and updates here) – or if you’re selling, before your shoppers start arriving – put out something for this more-important-than-ever cause. Here’s more information about this nationwide food drive.

2 Replies to "Don't just put your mail out Saturday - put food out too"

  • yeah! May 7, 2009 (9:38 am)

    This is one of those things I would never know about without the blog. I feel bad for my letter carrier though. I hope they have a truck close and he has those volunteers, I can’t imagine him lugging cans around.

  • E May 7, 2009 (9:52 am)

    Yay mail carriers! Thanks for doing this extra work for a good cause.

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