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West Seattle holidays: Sponsor a child for Rotary Shopping Spree

(WSB photo from 2010 Rotary Club of West Seattle Children’s Shopping Spree)
Another giving opportunity this holiday season – you can be (a) Santa without the beard, suit and hat! Very early the morning of December 3rd – so early that most years we’ve covered it, the ground and pavement are still frost-covered – the Rotary Club of West Seattle will deploy volunteers for a huge operation that means happier holidays for 100 local kids, the 38th annual Children’s Shopping Spree: They get a bus ride across the bridge to Sears SODO, where they get to choose gifts both practical and fun, including warm coats and clothing, as well as breakfast, lunch, and Santa photos! You don’t have to be a Rotarian – nor do you even have to get up at 6 am! – to be part of this. You can contribute to the shopping-spree fund online by going here, or mail a donation with the form you’ll find here. (Here’s our coverage from last year.)

Update: Beer Church’s Turkey Bowl rolls in 1 ton of food, $4,000+

After we mentioned tonight’s annual Beer Church Turkey Bowl on WSB earlier this week, someone asked if the Beer Church was “faith-based.” We said no – but in a way, that was wrong. Kim Jones (above) and Kendall Jones certainly have faith in people’s generosity – and in their quest for a good time. So the annual Turkey Bowl honors both. The former, as evidenced here:

That’s some of the hundreds of pounds of food – to be donated to the West Seattle Food Bank – that had already arrived when we checked in earlier on tonight’s event at West Seattle Bowl. And as for the “good time,” the teams that came to bowl – and for the annual good-natured competition between local beverage purveyors/establishments – included this quartet from the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor):

We even found … an out-of-uniform Seattle Police commander:

That’s Capt. Joe Kessler, who led West Seattle’s Southwest Precinct till moving across the bridge to the sprawling West Precinct last year. The Turkey Bowl rolls on into the night; we’ll update this story when there’s a final tally from the Beer Church leadership on just how much their disciples brought to the party!

ADDED SUNDAY: Here are the results!

Last night we raised over $4k in cash and over 2k pounds of food (estimate) for the food bank. Exact totals will come from (WS Food Bank), probably on Monday. We had a total of 199 bowlers participate.

Once again, we had a couple of competitions going on within the larger event. Eight breweries and eight bars competed this year.
Naked City Brewing Co from Greenwood took home the Battle of the Brewers Trophy. Elliott Bay Brewery Pub took home the California Avenue Bar Brawl trophy, ending West 5’s three-year run as champs.

West 5 deserves big kudos for donating over 600 lbs. of food! Great work! Every year West 5 knocks it out of the park in terms of food donations.

Kendall and Kim Jones

Happening now: White Center Food Bank turkey drive

Till 7 pm, White Center Food Bank‘s turkey drive continues – frozen turkeys, chickens, other kinds of holiday food; WC Food Bank executive director Rick Jump told us when we dropped by a while ago that they had about 150 turkeys but need 700. They also need cereal, cake mix, crackers, cookies, among other types of “trimmings” (longer list in our original announcement). The White Center Food Bank – which serves southern West Seattle as well as WC and environs – is at 10829 8th SW (map). If you can’t make it to WC, the West Seattle Food Bank at 35th/Morgan is accepting turkeys today too, 4-5 pm.

Big news x 2 for WestSide Baby – plus, their holiday wishlist

This morning, WestSide Baby is receiving a 100,000-diaper donation from Huggies – we dropped by for photos just as the truck was getting unloaded. But that’s not the only big news at WS Baby: Executive director Nancy Woodland will serve as a founding board member of the brand-new National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN). It’s been launched “with a mission to raise awareness of diaper need and build the capacity of diaper banks,” according to the official announcement, which reminds us all of the problem:

Local families in poverty or crisis are unable to purchase an adequate supply of diapers to properly diaper their babies. At nearly $100 per month per child, families struggling to put food on the table or pay utilities must often choose between food and diapers. Because they are expensive and not covered by food stamps, diapers end up rationed or reused and babies suffer from diaper rash and other serious health issues.

Nancy says one in three American families falls into that category – so NDBN will create “a national network of community partners” to make sure there is a supply of diapers wherever needed to protect those children’s health. Huggies is the founding sponsor of NDBN and is currently on a cross-country “12 Days of Thanks” tour donating 12 million diapers in 12 cities (including Nancy’s childhood hometown, Detroit). Huggies has been donating diapers to WestSide Baby through its “Every Little Bottom” campaign.

But community donations still make up the lion’s share of what they provide to local families in need – and it’s not just diapers. So we asked WestSide Baby to please share its holiday-season wishlist on behalf of those families:

Winter Coats – all sizes
Newborn Diapers
Boy and Girl Pull-Ups : 4T-5T
Car Seats (Combinations seats from 20-80 lbs are most requested)
Hygiene Items (baby wash, diaper cream, lotion)
Baby Wipes
Warm Clothes: Sizes 5T-12
Socks and Underwear : new packages

As always, we accept all diaper sizes but distribute the most 4’s, 5’s and 6’s!

Where and when can you donate, you ask? That information is on the left side of WestSide Baby’s home page. You can donate money, too – here’s how to do that online.

Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights to ‘stuff the bus’ for Nickelsville

(October photo of Nickelsville, by Kevin McClintic)
On a cold morning, with possible snow showers looming, people are still sleeping outdoors all over the city – including more than 100 in the West Seattle encampment that calls itself Nickelsville. Nichole, the Active Living Director at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor), says residents choose a community service project this time of year, and they’ve chosen to adopt Nickelsville, but they need YOUR help to really make it big. She is planning an event to gather donations – with collections starting immediately, and a “Stuff the Bus” day on December 3rd, 10 am-4 pm. She toured the encampment this week and has this list of needs so far:

Wool socks
Female hygiene supplies
Camp Stoves
Propane for Camp Stoves
Canned food

Before the actual “stuff the bus” event, you can still drop off items 7 days a week, 8 am-8 pm. Nichole also hopes to put up a giving tree, so that on December 3rd, you can pick up a tag and bring back a gift. She says, “My residents are 100% behind this and very excited to have a project where they can make an impact on the homeless community.” She’s still collecting information about other needs at the camp, and we’ll add it when available. Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights is at 2326 California SW.

West Seattle Thanksgiving: Here’s who needs turkeys

Our previous report listed free dinners in West Seattle on Thanksgiving. Now, here’s YOUR chance to help people in need. Two local food banks are accepting turkeys and other food donations this weekend. First, from the West Seattle Food Bank:

Frozen turkeys and other food donations will be gratefully accepted at the West Seattle Food Bank on Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM and on Monday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Pull into our parking garage off Morgan St. just east of 35th Ave. SW [map]. Contact us at 206-932-9023 for additional hours for donations on site.

Also, donations can be accepted during the Turkey Bowl on Saturday from 5:30 PM-8:00 PM at West Seattle Bowl, 4505 39th Ave. SW.

We published the White Center Food Bank turkey-drive announcement earlier; they’re requesting frozen turkeys and chickens this Saturday, 9 am-7 pm, at their HQ, 10829 8th SW [map]. Here’s our original announcement, which also includes contact information if you want to find out about other dropoff hours.

West Seattle Thanksgiving: Free dinners – and help needed

One week till Thanksgiving, and we have word of three FOUR free dinners that day in West Seattle. Even if you don’t want/need to go, maybe someone you know does – so help get the word out! Note that one of these is asking both for advance RSVP, and also for volunteers:

YOUNGSTOWN CULTURAL ARTS CENTER: Philippia Goldsmith says they’re looking for “families who have no other place to go for the holidays and need/want to join other local families for a good meal.” Families, please RSVP ASAP to Renée at This dinner has some needs, too:

Volunteers to donate a side dish
Volunteers to help with set up and teardown of the space
Entertainment (mostly music and/or board games for the kiddos)

If you can help with any of those, e-mail Phillippia at (Youngstown is at 4408 Delridge Way SW.)

THE HALL AT FAUNTLEROY: Once again this year, Tuxedoes and Tennis Shoes Catering is putting on its famous free community Thanksgiving meal. And as usual, they say they already have plenty of volunteers – BUT they welcome pies and cookies to be donated for dessert. You can start bringing them down the day before Thanksgiving, or that morning. The dinner will be noon-3 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 9131 California SW. Questions? 206-932-1059.

ST. JAMES ANNEX: On the south end of West Seattle – considered by some as the north end of White Center – Good News Christian Fellowship plans to offer a free Thanksgiving dinner, 1:30 to 5:00 pm, at St. James Annex, 9421 18th Avenue SW. All welcome, and they’re also welcoming “donations of food, cash, and clothing.” Contact Michael Spann at 206-854-2245 or to contribute (or inquire).

(added) WEST SEATTLE EAGLES: Just got word that the WS Eagles will again be having a free community Thanksgiving dinner: “Come and enjoy a mouth-watering homemade feast with your fellow West Seattleites. Dinner served from 2-5 PM. Everyone is welcome. Please use the door nearest the alleyway.” Their aerie is at 4426 California SW; call (206) 938-4426 with questions.

Any others? Let us know ASAP as our West Seattle Holidays page is almost ready to go up, and this information will all be there, along with other giving – and enjoying! – opportunities throughout the season. (

Food drive that’s on a roll: Beer Church Turkey Bowl on Saturday

November 14, 2011 5:57 pm
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 |   Holidays | How to help | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from last year – part of the Turkey Bowl 2010 3K-pound food haul)
It’s one of the most raucous holiday food drives of the season – and its organizers say you still have a chance to get in on it! A few Beer Church Turkey Bowl lanes are available (and even if you’re not bowling, they’ll be happy to take your donation on Saturday) – just got this news release:

The 13th Annual Turkey Bowl takes place this Saturday, November 19th at 6:00 p.m. in West Seattle. Organized by Beer Church, the event is a fundraiser and food drive to benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. More than 200 guests will attend the event at West Seattle Bowl (4505 39th Ave. SW, Seattle). The event starts at 6:00 p.m. but Beer Church encourages the public to drop off food donations at West Seattle Bowl on Saturday between 1:00 and 8:00 p.m.

There is limited space for bowlers but anyone is welcome to attend the event and participate in the raffle. Bowlers must reserve an entire lane and pay $200 per lane. Each lane can accommodate as many as eight bowlers. If you are interested in a lane, please contact Kendall Jones –

“This is an especially appropriate time of year for people to think about hunger in our community,” says Kendall Jones, Director of Beer Church. “Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for the abundance of food that so many of us enjoy but it is also a good time to slow down and think about the people struggling in our community. That’s why Turkey Bowl is a benefit for the West Seattle Food Bank: we want to help people remember that hunger is a real issue and we want to give them a fun and easy way to contribute.”

Last year’s Beer Church Turkey Bowl netted over 3,000 pounds of food and over $3,000 in donations. Organizers hope to exceed those numbers this year. Participants will include a number of teams from local breweries and local bars. In addition to bowling, the event features a raffle for prizes donated by local merchants.

Among the participants, eight local breweries will battle it out for the coveted Battle of the Brewers trophy. Likewise, eight local bars will compete for the Bar Brawl trophy. Breweries involved: Elliott Bay Brewing, Elysian Brewing, Emerald City Beer Co., Georgetown Brewing, Naked City Brewing, Odin Brewing, Pike Brewing, and Schooner Exact Brewing. Local bars involved: Beveridge Place Pub, Dog and Pony Alehouse, Feedback Lounge, Latona Pub (3 Pubs), Mission, Porterhouse Pub, and West 5.

School volunteering: Chances to put ‘your toe in the water’

EDITOR’S NOTE: We often publish requests for volunteer help – and over the years, some have asked, what about a regular feature listing such needs? Fauntleroy resident Judy Pickens, who volunteers her time and talent to a variety of endeavors including local schools, is gathering and reporting information on volunteer needs at West Seattle schools where the need is greatest. Here’s her third roundup.

By Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog

Helping with a one-time event (such as the upcoming book fair at West Seattle Elementary) is a great way to “stick your toe in the water” of volunteering at a local school. You won’t have to learn a lot of names or make a long-term commitment; just do the task with a smile. In the process, though, you’ll get a feel for the staff and students and chat with other volunteers to help discern if being an ongoing volunteer might be for you. If not, ask the volunteer coordinator to put you on the list to contact about future one-time needs.

At Roxhill Elementary (9430 30th SW)

Ongoing: Adult(s) to keep students on crossing patrol focused; 9:15-9:30 AM and/or 3:25-3:40 PM Mon.-Fri. Pick your day and time.

Ongoing: Active adults to monitor students on the playground during lunch/recess, especially 12:05-12:35 PM; other times available. Pick your day and time.

Ongoing: Adults or older youth to tutor before and after school, including math and reading. Pick your day, time, and grade.

Ongoing: Adults to provide before-school supervision (7:30-9 AM) in the cafeteria. Pick your day.

Ongoing: Adults to assist the school nurse by providing basic first aid. Could be all day or early/mid afternoon. Pick your day and time.


At Highland Park Elementary (1012 SW Trenton)

One time: Fri. Dec. 2, 7-10 PM. Adult for general assistance (including clerking the bake sale) during the Winter White-Out Ball/Family Picture Night.

Ongoing: Adults to support classroom teachers with tasks such as listening to students read or copying materials; varies by teacher/grade. Pick your hours/days M-F, 9 AM-3 PM.


At West Seattle Elementary (6760 34th SW)

One time: Adults to unpack/set up in advance of the annual book fair on Dec. 7. Also adults to pack up, starting at 7 PM on Dec. 7.

Ongoing: Adult to support the school’s “Husky Buck” behavior incentive program by copying/distributing forms (any day), drawing/recording names (Mondays), and keeping prizes stocked (periodic).

Weekly: Adult or older youth to assist the school counselor in hosting a 20-minute “Best Attendance” popcorn party for the winning class; any day Tues.-Fri.

Help for the holidays: White Center Food Bank turkey drive

The White Center Food Bank not only serves our neighbors to the south in its namesake community, it also serves people in West Seattle as far north as SW Myrtle. So you’re helping people in both communities if you can respond to this request, just received (note it’s actually two requests in one – for turkey donations, and for volunteer holiday-distribution help):

On November 19 from 9 am until 7 pm, White Center Food Bank will be holding a Turkey Drive to collect donated frozen turkeys and chickens for their upcoming Thanksgiving holiday distribution. White Center Food bank expects to serve over 1,000 families for the holiday. This year’s turkey shortage combined with high wholesale prices (currently $1.25 a pound) make it difficult for the food bank to purchase turkeys at normally deep discounts. Starting (today), local sales and deals on turkeys will be posted on the White Center Food Bank’s Facebook page. Other meal items that are needed include: olives, cranberry sauce, pickles, cookie or cake mixes, cool whip or whipping cream, pumpkin, any type of canned milk, muffin mixes and pie crust mixes.

To donate, any turkey or chicken should be frozen. White Center Food Bank located at 10829 8th Avenue SW will be open November 19 until 7 pm to accept any donation. Other times to drop off are available; please call 206-762-2848. Volunteers are still needed to assist with holiday distribution as well including Monday through Wednesday, November 21-23 from 12:30-3:30 pm.

Here’s the WC Food Bank’s post this morning about turkey deals (got one to add?). P.S. We’re compiling requests for holiday help – here’s how to send one.

Happening now: Daisy Scouts’ bake sale in The Junction

Location, location, location, the saying goes. That’s what Holy Rosary‘s Daisy Scout Troop has for their bake sale this morning outside the church, continuing into the early afternoon. Not only are they right outside the church at 42nd/Genesee – that’s also kitty corner from West Seattle Christian Church, a block up the street from Hope Lutheran Church, and on the north edge of The Junction, if you happen to be headed that way for the West Seattle Farmers’ Market or other shopping. They’re donating part of the proceeds to veterans, so patriotic themes abound, including a flag-design cake and red/white/blue decor – and Thanksgiving touches, too:

The bake sale has an indoor table at Holy Rosary, too.

Orca-detecting dog stars at Killer Whale Tales’ celebration

(August 26, 2011, photo by Jeff Hogan)
West Seattleite Jeff Hogan photographs orcas, watches them, studies them, and teaches about them. Much of the latter work is done through Killer Whale Tales, the educational nonprofit he founded and runs. Tonight, instead of being out on Puget Sound, he was a stone’s throw from the Duwamish River with more than 100 people celebrating KWT’s work at its 11th anniversary dinner/auction gala:

They gathered at the Duwamish Longhouse, with a special guest among the orca experts on hand:

That’s Tucker, the dog famous for his ability to sniff out orca scat – pointing researchers to samples they can use to learn more about the beloved whales, and how we can help save them. Tucker’s work was the topic of a presentation tonight. (You can read more about him in our story about a different Longhouse event earlier this year.) Partygoers enjoyed entertainment, too, from accordionist Hugh Sutton:

Lots of interest in the silent-auction offerings:

If you couldn’t get to tonight’s gala, you can still support Killer Whale Tales’ work – here’s how.

West Seattle Veterans Day: Local student’s campaign to help troops

On this Veterans Day, a group of college students is working to help military personnel via a campaign called Students for Soldiers. Among them is Christina Powell (left), who e-mailed WSB to explain that they’re working to “procure items for care packages which will be sent only to troops stationed at FOB’s (Forward Operating Bases). These soldiers were chosen because they are in remote areas, often the most dangerous, and do not have access to Exchanges. Exchanges that are on the military bases are where soldiers are able to buy such daily necessities as deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, baby-wipes (the easiest way to clean oneself in the desert), and so on. Without access, they must simply go without these daily necessities, depleting morale and running the risk of illness at a time when they must be the most alert and cautious of danger.” Christina is looking for West Seattle community support because, while she’s a Washington State University student, she’s studying via “distance degree,” and works at Celtic Swell on Alki.

Originally, our goal was going to be to send 300 packages to troops however, we have teamed up with a non-profit organization called US Troop Care Packages (USTC) located in Pasco, WA that says ‘if we get the goods to them, they will cover the shipping costs for packages.’ Now, our GOAL is to raise $5000 in goods to be sent to Pasco who know how to get these items to soldiers at FOB’s. All 25 of us are now reaching out to our friends, family, churches, and communities (be it local, state, or nationwide) to help us with this cause. I believe that as a community, we can all come together and truly make a difference that will have an impact far greater than any that we could imagine.

The direct link to our Facebook page where you will find all of our information, updates, and the link to the Amazon WishList is:

Donations: We have set up an Amazon WishList that contains the most needed items for soldiers on FOB’s right now. This WishList shows the items, all travel sized, with the information and price right there. This method allows you to buy items, pay and ship directly to the USTC for care packages to be compiled. Everything is safe, secure, every cent accounted for and completely traceable.

The direct link for the Amazon WishList is:

As an example: On the site listed above, you will find among the list “Huggies Baby Wipes Travel Pack, Case of 12 Packs” with a picture, description, and price options. With this item that runs $20, you have just given 12 soldiers (assuming they don’t share) the ability to clean their face and bodies in the desert. You simply select which items you’d like to donate and add them to the cart. When ready, click “check out”. Select the first option for shipping addresses as the WishList already is programmed with the address for USTC who will then put all items together and mail them overseas.

Christina says there was plenty of inspiration for the campaign, particularly the fact that she has classmates who have served, and the fact her family is “full of Marines.”

West Seattle beverages: Whale Tail Ale for The Whale Trail (& others)

It was Whale Tail meets Whale Trail tonight at the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – hub of launch-party night for charity-benefiting Whale Tail Ale. Each establishment that sells Whale Tail chooses which nonprofit will benefit, and The Feedback chose The Whale Trail, founded by West Seattleite Donna Sandstrom (second from right), posing with Feedback co-proprietor Jeff Gilbert (left), Tony, and Gia. The Whale Trail educates people about orcas, and encourages land-based viewing. They had info on hand for Feedback visitors tonight – Lynne and Evangeline showed off the setup:

We went to White Center to check out a few other Whale Tail Ale-serving participants – like Full Tilt Ice Cream, where we found proprietor Justin Cline with Shannon:

Justin is, you may have heard, celebrating the opening of Full Tilt’s fourth store, in Ballard (more here). Across 16th SW, Company is pouring Whale Tail Ale too:

That’s Aaron and Micah, who is a brewer for Big Al Brewing, which brewed Whale Tail Ale as well as its predecessor, Löwman Brau. What’s next? You’ll have to wait and see. But check out Whale Tail first. Here’s where to get it (and who they’re donating to).

Beverages with benefits: Hotwire ‘Gobbler’ challenge, Java Bean food drive, Whale Tail Ale beneficiaries

HOTWIRE’S “GOBBLER” CHALLENGE: Starting tomorrow, if you brave “The Gobbler” at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), $1 will be donated to the West Seattle Food Bank. “The Gobbler” is a unique drink flavoring, involving what Hotwire proprietor Lora Swift insists is turkey gravy, cranberry syrup, and fresh orange peel, which can be added to a latté, Americano, or just plain steamed milk. Try it, then “like” Hotwire on Facebook, write “I Gobbled” on their FB wall, and they’ll post the Gobbler badge (left) on yours.

JAVA BEAN FOOD DRIVE: Tomorrow is also the start of the annual food drive at Java Bean Coffee. From owner Tony Hoyt: “Java Bean Organic Coffee House, located at 2920 SW Avalon Way, will be hosting the 21st annual Food Drive for Northwest Harvest. They will be collecting food on site from Thursday, November 10th – Tuesday, November 22nd. Thanksgiving type foods such as stuffing mix, canned yams, cranberries, peanut butter and baby food are most appreciated.”

WHALE TAIL ALE BENEFICIARIES: Before you go out tonight to party-hop the Whale Tail Ale launch events, if you’re trying to decide where to go, consider the list of which nonprofits are benefiting from sales of the new brew at which locations:

WEST 5: Log House Museum
SHADOWLAND: Seal Sitters
THE MISSION: Alki Elementary School
BEVERIDGE PLACE: Nature Consortium
THE BRIDGE: Hickman House
LOCOL: Roxhill Elementary
AVALON: West Seattle Food Bank
COMPANY: White Center Food Bank
BIG AL BREWING: White Center Food Bank
FULL-TILT ICE CREAM: White Center Food Bank

Tonight’s party starts at 6. But the charity cut continues throughout the span of the weeks/months Whale Tail is available.

Got an unused bike (or parts)? Donate at ‘Wine and Bikes’

No, it’s not about pedaling under the influence. Bicycles for Humanity Seattle and the Northwest Wine Academy are teaming up on November 19th to collect donated bikes/parts at an event also featuring the fall release of four new student-created wines: 2009 Cabernet Franc, 2009 Merlot, 2010 Chardonnay and 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon. Set your reminder for noon-5 pm on the 19th, South Seattle Community College, 6000 16th SW. The bikes go to South Africa, for villagers to use for work-related transportation in an area where 1 in 2 are unemployed; all types of bikes are welcome – mountain and road bikes, adult bikes, kids’ bikes.

Happening now: ‘Hope for Jan’ @ Feedback Lounge

Timely items in the big spread of silent-auction offerings at the “Hope for Jan” benefit at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) till 5 pm – something to keep you warm. (It was below freezing by 4 am today.) Or how about this one – Meander’s Kitchen proprietor Miranda Krone cooks for your party of up to 10 people? $500 value but they were taking bids as low as $100. It’s all to help out longtime WSB’er Jan Seeley – aka “JanS” – who’s there with daughter Jessica Diamant:

They’re asking for bids by 4. The Feedback is also donating profits from food and drink specials (spicy chicken teriyaki skewers, $7; Feedback Cape Cod, $6) while the event lasts till 5 – and while you’re there, you can play pinball, meet cool people, admire the wall of 45-rpm record jackets (small slice of the abundant music memorabilia at The Feedback):

Feedback Lounge is at 6451 California SW (in another benefit effort, it’ll be epicenter of the Whale Tail Ale release parties coming up at 6 pm this Wednesday).

West Seattle schools: Tilden 5th-graders assist Nature Consortium

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Tilden School fifth-graders have contributed to WSB from time to time. Here’s a report about their environmental education in action.)

By Tilden School’s Fifth-Grade Class
Special to West Seattle Blog

If you help the West Duwamish Greenbelt, you also help the Duwamish River and the world. A nonprofit organization called Nature Consortium led us, the Tilden fifth-graders, in the right direction to reforest the West Duwamish Greenbelt, which helps a lot more than just this West Seattle forest.

On October 7, we went to the West Duwamish Greenbelt to spend the day with environmental educators from Nature Consortium. We wanted to learn about the Greenbelt’s ecosystem and work toward improving its health. Our class removed invasive species like Himalayan blackberries, and planted native trees and shrubs.

Did you know that you can never step out of a watershed? Indeed, West Seattle is one big watershed. The point is, all watersheds affect the health of our waterways and oceans. Healthy green space in a watershed controls water yield, sediment levels, and water quality, providing cleaner runoff for nearby waterways. Thus, if more volunteers help reforest the Greenbelt, many unwanted pollutants will be removed.

Save the West Duwamish Greenbelt and get one step closer to saving the world. To volunteer for Nature Consortium, go to

WSB SIDE NOTE: One big event ahead for the Nature Consortium – its forest-restoration work party in the College Street Ravine in honor of King County Executive Dow Constantine’s birthday on November 15th from 10 am-2 pm. Volunteers can sign up by calling our office 206.923.0853, e-mailing or going online, here.

Can they regain the record? West Seattle drummer leads ‘Woodstick Big Beat 2011’

November 5, 2011 12:20 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle people | WS culture/arts

Big fall for Fauntleroy resident Donn Bennett. His eponymous Drum Studio in Bellevue has just been honored as “Best in Western Washington,” for musical instruments. And tomorrow, he’ll rally hundreds of drummers for the annual “Woodstick Big Beat” mega-drum charity-benefit event he organizes – not in West Seattle, but not that far, if you want to go help local children’s charities and see an inspiringly thunderous display of musicians’ teamwork. Donn says, “We’re featuring Danny Seraphine, original drummer from Chicago, and 7 other top pro drummers” – along with hundreds of Northwest drummers, gathering tomorrow at the Juanita Field House in Kirkland. The official announcement explains more:

They’ll join drummers in 15 cities across North America to set 2 new Guinness World Records for drummers playing a song simultaneously. One record for the most drummers playing a song in a single location, the other for the most drummers playing together via live internet connection. The entire international event will be directed from our Kirkland, WA, location.

Drummers in Birmingham England assembled 588 drummers in 2008 to beat our previous record of 533 set at Qwest Field in 2005. On November 6th 2011 we’ll attempt to bring the record back to the Northwest where it all started. All proceeds will go to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation to purchase musical instruments for underfunded local schools and to Camp Korey, a camp in Carnation WA for kids battling serious illness.

The event is 2-4 pm tomorrow (Sunday), 10601 NE 32nd; doors open at 10 am. Admission is $12/participant (register online here), $10/spectator, all going to charity. Quite a sight and sound, as you’ll see on the highlight reel from last year (above) – especially once it gets to the overview of the entire Field House.

Two days till ‘Hope for Jan,’ this Sunday at Feedback Lounge

This fall, the WSB Forums – added 2 years after the site’s debut – turn four. They were created when the requests for local recommendations – “where do I find a …” – started to overwhelm the front-page news stream. That’s a form of “people helping people,” and the Forums also have yielded face-to-face versions of that … as members joined together to reach out to people who need more than information. Sometimes, that’s meant face-to-face events, like the one coming up Sunday at the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), a fundraising silent auction for Jan Seeley, a longtime Forums and comment-section participant you’d recognize as “JanS.” But much more than a screen name, she is a West Seattle community member, wearing hats including independent businessperson and mom.

Jan’s had health trouble for a while, and has won some victories, beating breast cancer, among other things. Right now she is in another health battle, waiting for a kidney transplant, because of a rare disease called fibrillary glomerulonephritis. Jan’s daughter Jessica had hoped to be a match, but tests revealed that was not to be, so Jan is still waiting and hoping. But Jessica, friends, and Forums members have done something else to help – organized Sunday’s fundraiser, including rustling up some unique auction items. Drop by The Feedback 2-5 pm Sunday to bid on something and enjoy Happy Hour (with proceeds from a special drink and appetizer going to Jan’s fund), as well as chair massage. Auction items mentioned in the ongoing WSB Forums discussion about the event so far include: great wine, coffee baskets, photographs, art, pest control services, massage gift cards, yard work, bagels from Zatz’s, an Angelina’s gift card, Curves membership, and handblown-glass ornaments. (Tis the season!) The Feedback is at 6451 California SW. By the way, its co-proprietor Jeff Gilbert is also a graphics artist extraordinaire and designed the poster art above (as well as the many others you’ll see on the Feedback’s site regarding the other events it hosts/presents).

West Seattle scene: Helping the Helpline get ready for winter

Winter’s on the doorstep – and that means West Seattle Helpline will be getting more requests for help from people in difficult circumstances, maybe just for something as basic as staying warm and dry, with a roof over their head. Making sure WS Helpline will be able to offer that help, was the goal of tonight’s gala dinner and auction at the Duwamish Longhouse in West Seattle.

Above are Helpline board members Terry Burns (who emceed) and Rev. Ron Marshall. Ahead – other community leaders/members who attended tonight to show their support:Read More

West Seattle sports: Holy Rosary 7th grader’s ‘Hoops for Help’

From the WSB inbox – Holy Rosary 7th grader Kyle Joyce asked for help getting the word out about a service project called “Hoops for Help.” Kyle’s doing it with a friend and says, “All the money we make is going to Saint Vincent de Paul.” Specifics: 3 on 3 tournament at Holy Rosary School on November 12th, up to 4 players per team, $5/person, age groups 9-10, 11-12, and 13-14. “Winners will receive cool NBA prizes,” Kyle says. E-mail to sign up, including team name, age group, and contact info.

3 ways to help: Helpline, Killer Whale Tales, Furry Faces

HELP THE HELPLINE: Tomorrow night at 6 at the Duwamish Longhouse, it’s the fall fundraising gala for West Seattle Helpline. Executive director Tara Byrne says one of the highlights will be “award-winning Native American flutist and storyteller Paul ‘Che oke ten’ Wagner performing.” You can still get a ticket online by going here, no later than tomorrow morning.

KILLER WHALE TALES: Also at the Longhouse, West Seattle-headquartered Killer Whale Tales plans a dinner and auction – with special guest Tucker the whale-research dog! – on Saturday, November 12th, starting with drinks and appetizers at 6 pm. Tickets are available online, here.

‘THE ART OF LOVE’: Furry Faces Foundation‘s silent auction and wine tasting event, featuring Stomani Cellars, is set for Sunday, November 13th, 3-6 pm at Ola Salon. No admission fee; all ages are welcome. Read on for the official news release:Read More