Big news x 2 for WestSide Baby – plus, their holiday wishlist

This morning, WestSide Baby is receiving a 100,000-diaper donation from Huggies – we dropped by for photos just as the truck was getting unloaded. But that’s not the only big news at WS Baby: Executive director Nancy Woodland will serve as a founding board member of the brand-new National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN). It’s been launched “with a mission to raise awareness of diaper need and build the capacity of diaper banks,” according to the official announcement, which reminds us all of the problem:

Local families in poverty or crisis are unable to purchase an adequate supply of diapers to properly diaper their babies. At nearly $100 per month per child, families struggling to put food on the table or pay utilities must often choose between food and diapers. Because they are expensive and not covered by food stamps, diapers end up rationed or reused and babies suffer from diaper rash and other serious health issues.

Nancy says one in three American families falls into that category – so NDBN will create “a national network of community partners” to make sure there is a supply of diapers wherever needed to protect those children’s health. Huggies is the founding sponsor of NDBN and is currently on a cross-country “12 Days of Thanks” tour donating 12 million diapers in 12 cities (including Nancy’s childhood hometown, Detroit). Huggies has been donating diapers to WestSide Baby through its “Every Little Bottom” campaign.

But community donations still make up the lion’s share of what they provide to local families in need – and it’s not just diapers. So we asked WestSide Baby to please share its holiday-season wishlist on behalf of those families:

Winter Coats – all sizes
Newborn Diapers
Boy and Girl Pull-Ups : 4T-5T
Car Seats (Combinations seats from 20-80 lbs are most requested)
Hygiene Items (baby wash, diaper cream, lotion)
Baby Wipes
Warm Clothes: Sizes 5T-12
Socks and Underwear : new packages

As always, we accept all diaper sizes but distribute the most 4’s, 5’s and 6’s!

Where and when can you donate, you ask? That information is on the left side of WestSide Baby’s home page. You can donate money, too – here’s how to do that online.

4 Replies to "Big news x 2 for WestSide Baby - plus, their holiday wishlist"

  • AJP November 19, 2011 (1:25 pm)

    I’m almost hesitant to say this, because I totally support WestSide Baby and their mission, however diapers do not need to cost $100 a month. I buy Target brand diapers in the big pack and use about 2 boxes a month. That’s $40. Yes, it’s a chunk of change and certainly people need it, but if you are buying name-brand diapers (and really all you’re paying extra for is the licensed characters on them) then you’re being taken for a ride. But I’m glad to hear that Huggies is supporting their efforts. Also people can look into the feasibility of cloth diapers. Definitely NOT for everyone (but they used to be the only choice!) however they might be able to help some families.

  • WestSide Baby November 21, 2011 (9:36 am)

    @ AJP. You are definitely correct that diapers do not need to be so expensive. The catch 22 for families in poverty has several layers. If they can find transportation to bigger stores like Target, it is still often difficult to scrape together $20 at one time to buy a box. Small convenience stores nearby will sell 1-3 at a time for 50 cents – $1 each. Babies need fewer diapers per day as they grow but newborns can go through 15+. The cloth diapers, laundered properly to avoid spreading bacteria, ar

  • WestSide Baby November 21, 2011 (9:43 am)

    (slipped and sent too soon.) The cloth diaper process, to be hygienic and avoid the spread of disease, requires many additional Catch 22 issues that can be found on our website. (facilities to launder, detergent expense and daycare restrictions)

  • PRL December 9, 2011 (2:21 pm)

    I too, support WestSide Baby and am hesitant to ask – but, why are pullups in the 4T-5T size the most needed? Is that correct? It seems well beyond when most kids can learn to utilize a toilet…

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