Admiral Theater 160 results

West Seattle holidays: Decoration day in the Admiral District

December 4, 2011 12:46 pm
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Many storefronts are already festively lit and decorated in the Admiral District, and more will be by tonight – including wreaths going up on some of the business-district light fixtures, like this spot outside Alki Bike and Board (whose proprietor Stu Hennessey is in our photo, with Dave Weitzel from Weitzel Construction). The “work party” was already planned before today’s forecast took a turn for the sunny! Also helping decorate – Max and Quinn, as in the Atomic Boys‘ original namesakes (sons of store owners Parris and Kent Sadow):

Among the holiday fun coming up in the Admiral District, Dinah Brein at the historic Admiral Theater says she’s finalized the date for the free Christmas movie, 7 pm December 20th. She’s still finalizing the movie; once again this year, she asked us to ask you for ideas – see the suggestions here.

West Seattle holidays: Help The Admiral choose a movie

Admiral Theater boss Dinah Brein says, “It’s that time again……time to decide the annual Free Admiral Theater Xmas Movie. We’ve already shown Elf, A Christmas Story and Jim Carrey’s A Christmas Carol. We want something both kid friendly and adult friendly.” Got any suggestions? E-mail her at They’ll also take up a collection for charity that night, too; the movie will be screened one night the week before Christmas.

West Seattle scene: Lafayette celebration at Admiral Theater

The historic Admiral Theater is only about a block away from Lafayette Elementary – convenient for the crowd that packed Thursday night’s movie-watching party celebrating last month’s Walk-A-Thon. As noted here, the annual tradition was a success again this fall, and the money it raises is more important every year, since Lafayette is West Seattle’s most-populous elementary school – more than 540 students last time we checked the enrollment numbers.

Seattle Lesbian/Gay Film Festival in West Seattle: Admiral lineup

Tomorrow is opening night for the 2011 Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor), and once again this year, the festival includes screenings in West Seattle, at the historic Admiral Theater. This morning, SLGFF has sent a news release with details of the 11 films you’ll be able to see at The Admiral, starting one week from tonight – read on!Read More

Also this Saturday: ‘Vaud Squad’ at Admiral Theater

July 21, 2011 9:12 pm
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We got a quick promotional sneak peek earlier this week at the trio of local entertainers who are performing as “The Vaud Squad” – as in a vaudeville-style variety show – at Admiral Theater this Saturday night. Mentalist Lance Campbell – who notes that he reads thoughts, not minds – will perform, as will magician Joe Black and juggler/comedian Matt Baker. The latter two are West Seattleites; Campbell is from Kirkland – and all three tour (separately) nationally, but are joining forces for one big fun show here. 7 pm Saturday, family-friendly fun, get your tickets online now. (P.S. Baker will be juggling in more ways than one – he’s making a cameo as the pre-show entertainment for West Seattle Outdoor Movies the same night!)

Coming to The Admiral: Longer SIFF run; Liz Taylor tribute

Big news from The Admiral tonight – not only is SIFF returning, it’ll have showings throughout the festival’s three-week run May 19-June 12, not just a one-week stop. Plus, Admiral manager Dinah Brein has announced an Elizabeth Taylor tribute later this month. Read on for the official announcement of both:Read More

Late-night history break: Found in a West Seattle attic

Heike shared that Admiral Theater ad from the January 23, 1942, “Seattle Daily Times.” We asked how the old paper was found. Reply: “We put a few can lights into the ceiling, and had to go up into the attic for rewiring. Pretty amazing that it’s been there all this time!”

Seafood on screen, sushi star onstage, for Sustainable West Seattle

March 22, 2011 7:41 am
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The overfishing crisis was on the menu, and the marquee, for Sustainable West Seattle last night, launching their new periodic film series. The cautionary film based on the book “The End of the Line was on screen, and then sustainable-seafood star Chef Hajime Sato, proprietor of Mashiko in The Junction, was onstage. If you don’t want to eat endangered fish, he pointed out, bluefin tuna is far from the only thing to avoid:

This summer will mark two years since he gained fame for not just advocating “sustainable sushi” but dedicating his acclaimed restaurant to it. But, he said, “I’m not telling you to stop eating everything; if we protect certain species, they are coming back.” Another video clip after the jump:Read More

‘Race to Nowhere’: Holy Rosary Parents Club invites you to see it

Its critical look at pressures faced by U.S. students has had a lot of people talking since its release more than a year ago – and they’re still talking. This Thursday night is your next chance to see “Race to Nowhere” with a West Seattle group. The Holy Rosary School Parents’ Club is sponsoring a screening at 6:30 pm Thursday at the Admiral Theater. As the promotional page explains – and as you might guess from watching the trailer above – the movie is “a call to action for families, educators, and policy makers to challenge current assumptions on how to best prepare the youth of America to become healthy, bright, contributing and leading citizens.” Tickets cost $5 less if you buy in advance – you can do that online by going here.

‘Harry Potter’ super-fan? The Admiral’s the place to be on Sunday

The latest “Harry Potter” movie continues at the Admiral Theater this weekend, and the theater plans a special event: Fans who come to the theater in costume for the 3:40 pm matinee on Sunday will get a chance to win prizes courtesy of a super-fan who’s also bringing along her HP-themed car (which isn’t among the prizes, but IS for sale). The car belongs to Alexia Johnson, a custom-made Mini Cooper convertible that was custom-ordered from Oxford, England, in the 2006 model year. According to The Admiral’s announcement, Johnson explained, ““I have been a longtime Harry Potter fan and I wanted my British car to reflect my favorite British story. I went to the Mini dealership in 2005 and choose everything that I wanted to have on my car. It has a supercharged engine and it is manual. I love the color purple and at that time they came out with a new color, Purple Haze. That color is now discontinued but that makes my car even more special and unique.” She says an artist “took the clear coat off of the car, painted “HP” on the doors, golden snitch on the gas tank cover, Hogwarts crest (which has a lot of detail) on the hood between the stripes which are hand-painted not decals like they normally are. Finally, he put a metallic coat on the car and under street lights and in the sun light it sparkles like magic!” (52,000 miles on the odometer and she’s asking $20,000 or best offer.) The Admiral says that Johnson’s collected HP memorabilia through the years and “will be giving out some great prizes to the best costumed attendees.” Doors open at 3 pm.

(Also of note for those who haven’t seen the Oscar-nominated movie “The Social Network,” it opens Friday at the Admiral. Plus, Saturday night at midnight, it’s the monthly “Rocky Horror Picture Show” extravaganza. More details in this update e-mail from The Admiral.)

Video: MOHAI tackles Admiral Theater – 1 century, 4 minutes

Well, OK, it’s *almost* a century of history. The Museum of History and Industry‘s video team has taken on another West Seattle landmark, and suggested to WSB that you might want to see the 4-minute result. P.S. If you’re looking for what’s up at The Admiral right now, here are the latest listings.

Meet the mentors, and the mentored, tonight @ The Admiral

Tonight (Thursday) at West Seattle’s historic Admiral Theater, you’ll get something extra if you’re going to the 6:40 pm showing of “Waiting for Superman” – a preview of the new documentary about Community for Youth, a mentoring organization that works at three Seattle Public Schools high schools, including Chief Sealth. Mentors and students will be there to talk about the program. You can find out more at

West Seattle Crime Watch: Admiral Theater burglarized

2:46 PM: Thanks to the WSB’ers who tipped us to this via text message and WSB Forums post: The Admiral Theater is closed was closed earlier today because it’s been burglarized. Police were still there when WSB’s Katie Meyer went over a short time ago to investigate the reports. According to what she learned from Admiral staffer Sean and police, the break-in happened around 5 am – it set off an alarm but that didn’t get help fast enough to prevent the burglars from making off with what we are told was a significant amount of cash. The staffer says they don’t usually have that on hand but they had a problem with the drawer at the bank where they usually use to make night deposits, so they brought it back to the theater. So they’re closed for today – you’ll see “no movies today” on the marquee if you drive by (photo added 3:15 pm).

3:28 PM UPDATE: We’re told now that they plan to reopen later this afternoon, for the showings just before 4 pm, but are asking for exact change.

4:58 PM UPDATE: We checked with the Southwest Precinct for any additional information; Lt. Ron Smith says the preliminary report says it was a “forced entry” burglary, and that “electronics” were taken as well as cash.

Admiral Theater: Double feature for New Year’s Eve, high hopes for the New Year

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

This autumn’s been a tough one for operators of historic local theaters, and their fans.

In Seattle alone, two shutdowns were announced last month – first the Uptown on Queen Anne, then the Neptune in the U-District.

That made us wonder how West Seattle’s historic Admiral Theater is doing, two and a half years after its last management change. So we arranged a chat with the woman who runs it, Dinah Brein. She was on duty last night, helping run the night’s films, and getting ready for a special New Year’s Eve-themed holiday double bill tonight: “Holiday” at 7, “When Harry Met Sally” at 9.

Just as we headed her way, Dinah sent a link to another theater-closure story that had just appeared online, this time the Orchard Theater in Port Orchard. And with a close-to-home twist – it’s part of the Far Away Entertainment theater group run by her brother Jeff Brein, which also includes The Admiral.

No, they’re NOT throwing in the towel here too. But some of what was on that theater’s wish list remains on The Admiral’s wish list too.

Read More

West Seattle holidays: Admiral’s free Christmas movie is …

You made suggestions – and now the decision’s in. Just received from the Admiral Theater, word that the free Christmas movie at 7 pm next Thursday (December 23) will be Jim Carrey‘s 2009 animated version of “A Christmas Carol.” Carrey is the voice of Scrooge as well as the three ghosts who visit him. The “free” admission is qualified, as Dinah from The Admiral reminds us:

Remember, we are doing this as a benefit for the Humane Society. Statistics prove that animals are a good Xmas gift only to be brought back after the holidays. That’s when animal shelters see a large jump in attendance. So before you get your Jingle Bells on, you MUST bring something from the list below to the theater:

Animal crates (all sizes)
Premium dog & cat food
warm blankets
and a new Prius (okay, that’s for me)

Can’t wait to see you there!
Mrs. Claus (Dinah)

Never been to The Admiral? No! Well, maybe you’re new. California SW just north of Admiral Way.

Admiral Theater’s free Christmas movie: Suggestion time!

It’s another West Seattle holiday tradition – suggest what the historic Admiral Theater should show as its free Christmas movie! Dinah at The Admiral tells us the movie will be at 7 pm Thursday, December 23rd – admission free but you’re asked to bring food, toys, collars, dog beds to donate to the Humane Society. And now: Time for your suggestion! E-mail – winner revealed December 20th.

2 Sunday events: OrcaFest; West Seattle Democratic Women

November 6, 2010 10:50 pm
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Two Sunday events of note before tomorrow arrives – and remember, tonight’s the night we “fall back” an hour – First, The Whale Trail and Killer Whale Tales, both led by West Seattleites, present the first-ever OrcaFest at Alki Bathhouse tomorrow, 11 am-3 pm. It’s free, with kids’ activities, storytelling, info about Puget Sound orcas, and more – details here. Second, the West Seattle Democratic Women celebrate the centennial of women’s right to vote in our state with a movie and discussion tomorrow at Admiral Theater – “Iron-Jawed Angels,” telling the suffragettes’ story, followed by a discussion led by Alki activist Libby Carr. 4 pm, $10 at the door. (Even more Sunday activities on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar!)

Reminder: Movie benefit tomorrow for Sofia Goff and family

October 23, 2010 2:53 pm
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That’s the trailer for the animated Disney/Pixar movie “Ratatouille” – given its culinary theme, an apropos choice for tomorrow’s benefit for Sofia Goff and her children, for whom friends are trying to raise money. Now a local business is offering to match donations – as explained on this page, along with the backstory on the benefit (plus a button for donating if you can’t make it to the benefit), 11 am Sunday at Admiral Theater.

Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival: Final WSB ticket giveaway

October 20, 2010 8:53 pm
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 |   Admiral Theater | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Tomorrow and Friday, the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor) returns to West Seattle’s historic Admiral Theater. We’ve given away tickets, courtesy of festival organizers, the past two nights, and tonight we have one last giveaway: Two tickets to the 6 pm Friday screening of “The Sleeping Beauty of East Finchley,” described as an “uplifting drama shot at the Various Voices Festival, a 4-day festival of gay and lesbian choirs from all over the world.” First person to e-mail us with SLEEPING BEAUTY TICKETS in the subject line,, wins (be sure to tell us the name you want the tickets held in at the box office). Once the tickets are won, we’ll post an update here; no more giveaways after tonight, but you can go here to check out all the Admiral showings over the next two days.

9:19 PM UPDATE: The tickets have been won.

Countdown to Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival: Giveaway #2

October 19, 2010 9:46 pm
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 |   Admiral Theater | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Thursday and Friday, the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor) is back at West Seattle’s historic Admiral Theater. See the full Admiral lineup here. Tonight, we have another ticket giveaway – this time, we’ll have TWO winners, each for two tickets to “To Faro,” screening at 9:45 pm Thursday, described as “an endearing account of complicated relationships … an audience favorite at LGBT festivals around the world.” First two people to e-mail us at each get two tickets to that screening. Make sure your e-mail has TO FARO GIVEAWAY in the subject line, and includes the name in which you would want the tickets held at the box office. As soon as they’re given away, we’ll add a note here. We’ll have one more giveaway, tomorrow night; then Thursday and Friday, it’s festival time.

ADDED 10:28 PM: Both sets of tickets have been won! Check back tomorrow evening for 1 more giveaway, different film.

P.S. One more reminder of this free event that’s being held (not in WS) in connection with the festival, tomorrow night: SLGFF is joining with Safe Schools Coalition to screen the documentary “Bullied” at 6 pm Wednesday, Broadway Performance Hall, with a panel discussion afterward, including three youth speakers.

Lesbian & Gay Film Festival in WS this week: Ticket giveaway!

The Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor) is back at West Seattle’s historic Admiral Theater this Thursday and Friday – the full Admiral schedule is here – and organizers are providing tickets for giveaways – so we’re starting right now. First person to e-mail us at gets two tickets to The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls.” It’s an award-winning documentary coming back to Seattle after its previous appearance at SIFF, and it’s described as “the must-see yodeling lesbian twins movie of the year.” After the 7:30 pm Thursday screening, there’s a reception at SLGFF sponsor Heartland Café just steps from The Admiral. Make sure your e-mail has TOPP TWINS GIVEAWAY in the subject line, and includes the name in which you would want the tickets held at the box office. As soon as they’re given away (which could be a while given the hour!), we’ll add a note here. We’ll have giveaways tomorrow and Wednesday night too (earlier!) and then Thursday and Friday, the festival’s on. 12:47 AM UPDATE: Tonight’s tickets are gone.

P.S. Not in West Seattle, but part of the festival, and free: SLGFF is joining with Safe Schools Coalition to screen the documentary “Bullied” at 6 pm Wednesday, Broadway Performance Hall, with a panel discussion afterward, including three youth speakers.

Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival plans West Seattle return

August 24, 2010 11:20 am
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 |   Admiral Theater | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Once again this year, the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival plans screenings in West Seattle – Oct. 21-22 (updated dates from organizers) at Admiral Theater, during the final days of the Oct. 15-24 festival. This’ll be the festival’s third year with WS dates. We got first word from the festival’s volunteer coordinator Kevin Fansler, who also sent word they’re looking for volunteer help, with an orientation coming up Sept. 26 – read on for more on what kind of help they need:Read More

Also coming up Thursday: ‘Lunafest’ at Admiral Theater

That’s the promotional video for this year’s Lunafest – a one-night film festival of sorts – featuring short films by and about women. It’s been making its way around the country, and Thursday night, it’s in West Seattle at Admiral Theater, co-hosted by Stroller Strides of Seattle (which offers fitness classes in locations including West Seattle). Every place it goes, Lunafest is also a benefit for a local nonprofit, and as noted online, the West Seattle showing is benefiting the Salvation Army’s domestic-violence programs, as well as the Breast Cancer Fund, a Lunafest beneficiary nationwide. The 90-minute showing of short films (all described here) will be preceded at 6:30 pm Thursday with a silent auction and reception; more info on The Admiral’s website; tickets are available online here.