Update: Elliott Bay Water Taxi’s 2008 season has begun!


We got that photo from Seacrest less than an hour ago as the Elliott Bay Water Taxi headed over from Pier 55 on its first official run of the season. Upon arrival, a loudspeaker announcement from the crew thanked their inaugural group of passengers — five in all (you can hear the announcement in this clip:

As mentioned earlier, the kickoff ceremony, emceed by West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Dow Constantine and featuring music by West Seattle’s Bronwyn Edwards Cryer, is happening noon-2 pm. Water Taxi rides are free all day (here’s the schedule), and remember the free shuttle is now back in business too (here’s its schedule) – taking it will be a really good idea today, given the limited parking at and around Seacrest. The Water Taxi’s season is set to continue all the way through Halloween this year, with the full 7-day schedule all the way till the end.

4 Replies to "Update: Elliott Bay Water Taxi's 2008 season has begun!"

  • austin April 27, 2008 (5:50 pm)

    Hooray for the water taxi!

  • Jean Moore April 27, 2008 (7:56 pm)

    Was delighted to see we were caught on the tape for opening day of the Water Taxi! My husband and I were the first passengers of the day to board at Seacrest Park. A very enjoyable day of activities!!
    Jim and Jean Moore
    residents of West Seattle

  • austin April 27, 2008 (9:54 pm)

    More photos from opening day: Going into town at 10, coming back at 1:30. Apologies to the innocent..


  • jai April 28, 2008 (12:03 pm)

    Does anyone know why the land shuttle and the water ferry departure times aren’t coordinated? It’s only 10 minutes but when added to the 20 minutes more it takes versus driving, that adds a lot of time.

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