Update: Construction work about to start on new Fire Station 37

(Backhoe in action, photo courtesy Bruce, substituted for previous photo @ 1:24 pm)
Thanks to everyone who’s sent updates on progress at the 35th/Holden site (map) that will be the new home of Fire Station 37 – first, the old house on the site was fenced off; yesterday, we spotted the construction trailer; now, MargL just called to say a backhoe has shown up (and added at 1:24 pm, Bruce‘s photo as demolition begins). The ceremonial groundbreaking was back in May (WSB coverage here), but then there was a delay — the project had to be rebid (as reported in June). Here’s the new station’s design, by Miller Hayashi Architects:

Just talked with Fire Department spokesperson Christina Faine; she says Station 37 is expected to be finished “in mid-2010.” Once the existing one is vacated, it will be put up for sale – it’s an official city landmark, which means there are restrictions on what can be done to/with it. ADDED 5:50 PM: By mid-afternoon, the house was half-gone – the wall on the right side, from this view, came down seconds after we took this photo:

9 Replies to "Update: Construction work about to start on new Fire Station 37"

  • kstineback September 30, 2009 (1:29 pm)

    finally! that house has been sitting there in disrepair for too long!

  • Stephen September 30, 2009 (2:22 pm)

    Sweet! Though I’m surprised that they have the trucks entering on Holden, not 35th. But then, I’m not a planner, so I don’t know the reason behind the decision.

  • jeannie September 30, 2009 (2:41 pm)

    Ugly but functional. As long as it works well for our firefighters. Anyone know what will happen to the cute old firehouse they used to use?

  • WSB September 30, 2009 (3:04 pm)

    Stephen, if I had to guess, it would be the fact that Holden will get you directly to 35th or Delridge – so a little less turning. In fact, while I was there shooting video a while ago (will add later), Engine 37 roared out of its old station several blocks north and turned on down Holden, right past the demolition crew. Don’t think I got that on video, unfortunately – TR

  • Brian September 30, 2009 (5:15 pm)


    The old firehouse will become a landmark/ museum.

  • WSB September 30, 2009 (5:18 pm)

    It is a landmark already, as noted in the story. But last time we checked with the fire dept., they didn’t have a buyer lined up – and weren’t even planning to put it on the market till after it was vacated – TR

  • sw September 30, 2009 (8:16 pm)

    Two words: Trader. Joes.

  • Weissbiermann September 30, 2009 (8:31 pm)

    Two other words: My. House.

  • Cindy September 30, 2009 (11:07 pm)

    Two more words… Awesome Bar.

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