From the Seal Sitters: Harbor seal dies after West Seattle rescue

If you’ve been following the story of the Alki gun incident last night, you know that it included the report (starting with this comment on our original report) that a seal was being harassed by the man arrested for an alleged weapons violation. It’s believed now that it’s the same seal whose death has just been reported by Robin Lindsey of West Seattle-based Seal Sitters, a harbor seal that died today after being rescued from the Harbor Ave waterfront – read on for her full report, including what to do if you encounter a marine mammal in any kind of trouble or being threatened: (Monday update: the Seal Sitters have updated their website – see the update here – their original Saturday night report is what follows)

An adult harbor seal was rescued from the beach across from 1005 Harbor Ave SW by WA Fish and Wildlife around 1:45 this afternoon. A veterinarian from PAWS, was on scene to do an initial health assessment and the seal was then driven to Lakewood for further assessment and treatment. A Fish and Wildlife biologist has reported that the seal died during examination at their office. The seal was extremely thin and unresponsive, hypothermic and possibly hypoglycemic. A necropsy will be performed on the animal to determine cause of death.

Seal Sitters responded late Wednesday evening to a report of a seal on a Brace Point beach. The seal was thin and photos were sent that night to a NOAA stranding expert. The seal was gone the next morning at 5 am. Seal Sitters received another report on Friday of a “possibly dead seal” on the rocks south of Brace Point. However, there was no seal found. There were reports of a seal being harassed on Alki Beach at 9pm last night and later, a panicked call to an emergency vet clinic at midnight that a seal was being “beaten†on Alki Beach. It is believed that this was the same seal rescued this afternoon. At 7 am this morning the seal was located by Seal Sitters, who contacted WA Fish and Wildlife.

Seal Sitters would like to stress that if anyone sees a marine mammal being harassed or injured it is a matter for law enforcement. Call the NOAA Enforcement Hotline @ 1-800-853-1964 and tell them an animal is being harmed. If humans or the animal are in imminent danger, CALL 911. Then, call Seal Sitters @ 206-905-7325 or the NOAA Stranding Hotline @ 206-526-6733 to report the situation and location of the animal.

It is a crime to harm a marine mammal. Violators are subject to criminal and civil penalties under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Harassing or harming marine mammals is against the law and punishable with fines up to $20,000 (16U.S.C~1375).

Please check Seal Sitters’ blog for updates:

The Seal Sitters site also includes a report we missed two weeks ago, regarding the death of a female California sea lion who had been spending time on West Seattle beaches.

14 Replies to "From the Seal Sitters: Harbor seal dies after West Seattle rescue"

  • JH June 6, 2009 (7:55 pm)

    That is just sick.

  • GenHillOne June 6, 2009 (9:26 pm)

    wow…beating seals, arguing with 13-year-olds, flashing a gun, and public intoxication…cool, bet that impressed his date. Hope they add animal cruelity and make this guy an example on base. Hope you enjoyed that military career there, Big Guy.

  • ScubaO2 June 6, 2009 (9:52 pm)

    That young man is a DISGRACE to our good Servicemen and women everywhere and doesn’t deserve to wear our uniform. How sick, and how sad. Hopefully he’s brought to justice in civilian and military court.

  • living in west seattle since 1985 June 6, 2009 (9:57 pm)

    Sooooooooooooooooo Sad!

  • What The June 6, 2009 (11:03 pm)

    I apologize in advance…obviously not Navy SEAL material…

  • CD June 6, 2009 (11:27 pm)

    I agree that man is a disgrace.
    What type of person does that to a SEAL? I feel so sad for the seal, and the middle school kids who had to see that at a bday party. Makes me sick

  • CD June 6, 2009 (11:41 pm)

    And I hope he gets fined the whole $20,000

  • Robin June 7, 2009 (8:15 am)

    Seal Sitters has received the reassuring news that the seal was being monitored by a trained veterinary tech and police officer from approximately midnight to 4am, when the tide came in and the seal managed to swim off.

    Seal Sitters is investigating the report (from a reputable source) of a phone call that the seal was being “beaten” at midnight. We are doing our best to verify the truth surrounding this incident. If you have any information about the seal being beaten, please contact SS. It will be reported to NOAA Enforcement who will investigate and prosecute it as a crime.

    Please check SS blog for updates:

  • Robin June 7, 2009 (10:02 am)

    SS requests that you contact NOAA Enforcement Hotline directly to report any information regarding the harassment of this seal. Their number is: 1-800-853-1964

  • storm June 8, 2009 (7:40 am)

    An eyewitness on the scene at 9pm Friday night says the man later arrested for gun possession was “PETTING” the seal and refused to stop when told it was against the law. Unconfirmed reports of harm and additional harassment of the animal were reported later that evening. Please contact law enforcement authorities for clarification of events that occurred Friday night.

  • WSB June 8, 2009 (8:40 am)

    The police account of Friday night’s arrest is already linked in this story (see the link in the first line). However, I will also be looking for the original police report later today – TR

  • austin June 8, 2009 (11:13 am)

    Unfortunately the drunken monster who killed this seal and threatened kids on the beach with his firearm is now walking free, out on $1000 bail. First we had these “people” coming up from the army base to threaten and rob UW students at gunpoint, now this. It’s pathetic that the city is willing to let the military treat its citizens in this way and pathetic that the military lets its people act like this. As long as there continues to be no accountability we’ll continue to see crimes committed by these testosterone fueled freaks who think the violence they perpetrated overseas is acceptable anywhere.

  • Ten June 8, 2009 (4:05 pm)

    Please do not spread inflammatory rhetoric accusing this person of beating the seal, much less killing him. Unfortunately, there is no way to prove the sick seal that was rescued and subsequently died was the same one on Alki Friday night.

  • WSB June 8, 2009 (4:07 pm)

    Note that we have added an updated link from the Seal Sitters to the top of this post.

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