Wayfinding kiosk installed in West Seattle’s Junction Plaza Park

It’s a day that’s been years in the making – the first installation of a wayfinding kiosk in western West Seattle (the pilot’s been up outside the Delridge Library for quite some time, and they’ve been on the drawing board for more than three years, part of West Seattle Walks) – and what a perfect day, since the kiosks are all about guiding you while you’re out and about. WSB contributor Ellen Cedergreen photographed ceramic artist Mike Raney and metal artist Paul Sorey with the kiosk installed today at Junction Plaza Park. Kiosks like this, with a map, art, and information about the nearby area, will eventually be up all over West Seattle, with the help of city matching-fund money.

2 Replies to "Wayfinding kiosk installed in West Seattle's Junction Plaza Park"

  • Donna Ryan April 8, 2011 (7:10 pm)

    Love it.

  • Been There April 9, 2011 (11:15 am)

    Glad to see the additional wayfaring signage. Paul Sorey is a talented guy, but any one artists work can become background noise if it is to present or redundant. Sorey’s work is present along Longfellow Creek and now on WS streets as well. I understand the need for consistency around wayfaring kiosks, but let’s shake it up the next time some other public art/signage comes to WS.

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