Before we get to the rest of what’s up for today and tonight, one more reminder – it’s Election Day, the deadline for you to vote on two Seattle Public Schools levies and a two-part City of Seattle measure on how, or whether, to pay for “social housing.”
The school levies are the 6-year, $1.8 billion Building Excellence Capital Levy (BEX VI for short) and the 3-year, $750 million Educational Programs and Operations Levy. How their approval would affect property taxes is explained by the district on this page – it’s somewhat complex, depending on whether the Legislature allows the district to collect more than the current limit.
The two-part city measure first asks you whether funding should be approved for the (created after approval in a previous election) Seattle Social Housing Developer, and regardless of whether you vote yes or no on that, which type of funding it should get if funded – a new tax on companies with wealthy employees, or diversion of part of an existing payroll tax.
You probably know how this next part goes – get your ballot into a King County drop box (West Seattle has four) by 8 pm, or get it into USPS mail really early in the day to ensure it’ll have today’s postmark. As of early this morning, King County Elections had received only 20 percent of Seattle ballots.