9:41 AM: For days now, forecasters have been dangling the possibility of a little snow here in the “lowlands.” And just now, as we started to write a “no sightings yet” story, a flurry showed up here in Upper Fauntleroy. No alerts yet but snowflakes are featured daily/nightly in the official National Weather Service forecast for the next several days and nights, so keep your snow-related gear on standby.
10:21 AM: Sunshine has since shown up too.
12:20 PM: Intense squall moved through Admiral a short time ago and the ground was coated.
12:59 PM: Thanks to commenter Oriana for that photo showing what happened after the ice (not snow) squall went through. We were covering the Washington State Black Legacy Institute event, outdoors, and will add video of how it was so intense, it chased everyone indoors.