ORIGINAL MONDAY REPORT: In case you too are wondering about the big police response on SW Thistle near 24th SW: In the center of our photo is a red Honda Accord whose driver is being investigated by police for an alleged hit-and-run rampage this past hour. It was first reported in the 7900 block of Delridge Way SW, where at least one parked car is reported to have been hit; then the same car was reported “driving through yards” near 22nd/Thistle; and police finally caught up with the driver and car a block from there. What they’re trying to sort out is the report that the driver was fighting with and/or being assaulted by a passenger at least part of the time that this was happening; the passenger is reported to have fled on foot, northbound on Delridge, and police were looking for him in the Home Depot vicinity at last report.
ADDED TUESDAY NIGHT: We requested the report narrative from police and got this at day’s end. We’re posting it largely as received as it’s a convoluted situation:
At 1210 hrs I was dispatched to the report of a motor vehicle collision at 79XX DELRIDGE WY SW (Private Residence). Cad stated (VEH JUST HIT RPS HOUSE AND PARKED VEH, DRIVING SOUTH ON DELRIDGE, J/O, DRIVER HAD A BASEBALL BAT AND SUSP GOT OUT OF PASSER SEAT AND RAN NORTHBOUND)
I arrived on scene 1213 hrs and met with the Reporting Party, XXXX XXXX (XX/XX/1996). XXXX was at home when she heard a loud noise and looked out her window. She saw a red sedan in her front yard where it had struck the retaining wall and several vehicles. XXXX witnessed the driver in some sort of argument with the passenger. The Driver, later identified as XXXX XXXX (XX/XX/2002), exited the vehicle brandishing an aluminum metal bat and yelled at the passenger, an unidentified male only identified as “XXXX”, who ran away from the vehicle northbound on Delridge. XXXX then got back in his car and drove southbound on Delridge stopping after turning westbound on SW Thistle St and calling 911 himself.
The collision at 79xx Delridge WY SW caused a large amount of property damage striking the property of three separate homes and two vehicles. I interviewed and collected information from all owners. The resident of 79XX Delridge WY SW, two houses south of the RP, identified as XXXX XX (XX/XX/XXXX), was able to provide ring camera footage of the crash. For more information, please see my collision report on sector under the same case number.
I was able to contact XXXX after he was detained by backing officers on SW Thistle St. XXXX was able to provide the following explanation. XXXX had been living in his car at (a White Center facility’s parking lot). XXXX was approached by an associate he knows as “XXXX”, who lives in the buildings to the east of (the parking lot). XXXX asked XXXX for a ride to Home Depot. In route to the Home Depot, located at 7345 Delridge WY SW, XXXX and XXXX got into an argument over the speed XXXX was driving. XXXX got angry and started punching XXXX in the face from his position in the passenger seat, which caused XXXX to turn sharply off the road and crash into the properties located there. XXXX then got out the car and brandished an aluminum bat to scare off XXXX from attacking him, as he knows XXXX carries a knife. XXXX then fled northbound on Delridge towards the Home Depot, and XXXX drove away to safety to call 911.
XXXX also provided a cell phone from his vehicle that XXXX had left in the car. XXXX called 911 from this phone. The phone is a gray Samsung with the serial #XXXX. I submitted this phone into evidence.
XXXX seemed incredibly distraught, crying at points during my interview and was concerned that he may have accidentally hit someone. XXXX was also very cooperative in attempting to identify his attacker. I did not notice any clear injuries on XXXX but XXXX complained of head pains. XXXX stated he did not need medical attention.
I investigated the parking lot XXXX said he met XXXX in, and noticed several security cameras on the (building) that may have seen XXXX get into XXXX’s vehicle.
Due to the corroborating witness statements and the information provided by XXXX I believe, if “XXXX” can be identified, there to be Probable cause for the crime of RCW – 9A.36.041 | ASSAULT – ASSAULT in the fourth degree and SMC – 12A.06.050 | RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT.
Nothing further at this time.