WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell robbed again

Another robbery at the Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell station/mini-mart. It happened early Friday; we saw the robbery on the SPD data map, requested narrative, and just found it in our mailbox though it came in later that day (forgive us the delayed reporting). The narrative says the store was robbed just before 5 am Friday by “two unknown-race males, wearing all dark clothing, with faces covered,” who took money, tobacco products, and beer, then left in separate vehicles. The officer who wrote the report reviewed security video with the station’s manager, subsequently noting:

One vehicle was a white van (unknown make/model). The other vehicle was a small white SUV (unknown make/model). One of the suspects … exited one of the vehicles and entered the store. The suspect acted like he was going to buy a drink and a bag of chips. Next … (the other robber) exited the second vehicle and entered the store. Using a diversionary tactic, (he) grabbed several racks of merchandise and threw them out of the store while the (other robber) rushed behind the counter and grabbed all the cash from the cash register. Although no gun was seen, the suspect behind the counter motioned with his hand in his waistband/hoodie pocket like he had a concealed firearm.

The robbers’ getaway vehicles were last seen taking off northeast (toward the bridge) on Fauntleroy Way.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell robbed again"

  • Thomas January 6, 2025 (2:57 pm)

    By the lack of comments its a sure sign that people have become numb to these violent crimes!I don’t care if the criminal are 10 or 50.The consequences need to be just as severe as the crime.These criminals are roaming are streets just looking for someone they think is vulnerable. 

    • WS January 7, 2025 (9:03 pm)


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