WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: 2 Alki sightings, including ‘pack’

Two West Seattle coyote sightings reported by readers, both in the Alki area:

TONIGHT: The photo and report were sent by Janna:

This guy trotted down 59th, hung a left on Hinds, and was hanging out on the Alki UCC lawn when I last saw him. I know they’re in Schmitz Park, but I haven’t seen any out in the Alki neighborhood before. Early, too – it was only 7 pm!

MONDAY NIGHT: Mary sent this quick video showing her dog’s reaction to a “pack” sighting near Alki Point:

I saw a pack of 3 across the street from my house as I was walking back to my house. Originally I thought another Husky was loose until I saw another one come up behind. They seemed well-fed and healthy and not too scared of me or my Husky. This was Monday night just before midnight off Admiral Way and 64th across from the baseball field.

As always, we want to note that we share coyote sightings for awareness, not alarm. They and we are best served by keeping a distance apart – flyers like this explain the best ways to encourage that.

12 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: 2 Alki sightings, including 'pack'"

  • Wylie January 9, 2025 (9:13 pm)

    There have been multiple coyotes in Puget Park, Pigeon Point Park and surrounding neighborhoods. Between yelping at night and lots of scat around they seem to be flourishing over here. On the other hand, I did see a big rabbit last night. It was probably hiding in our yard hoping the coyotes don’t get it. 

    • Ltmmgm January 10, 2025 (6:14 am)

      But the question now is, have you seen any Roadrunners???

  • Al King January 10, 2025 (6:00 am)

    Saw one in the street a week ago. Was at 55th and Genesee at @ 2 in the afternoon.

  • Wakeflood January 10, 2025 (8:39 am)

    We had a few years recently with seemingly many less coyote sightings and what anecdotally was a very large increase in rabbits around WS. Like an explosion of bunnies. It was so noticeable that I wondered if the city or county was trapping and disposing of coyotes on the lowdown. Whether that happened or not, the coyotes are clearly multiplying and the bunnies are not seen as much around this neighborhood compared to a few years ago.

    • Tracey January 10, 2025 (9:47 am)

      Many years ago, I was in Schmitz Park and a Parks Dept truck drove up.  They asked my friend and me to take our dogs and go have coffee for an hour or so.  When asked why, he told us because he was releasing a wild coyote into the Park and hoped it would have time to unite with the local pack.  Back then, they weren’t removing them but adding them to our local population.  Maybe 2010?

  • Pinto January 10, 2025 (9:23 am)

    I thought that coyotes live in pairs, not packs. I wonder if it’s a mature pup? my knowledge comes from a great book, Don Coyote, by Hyde, about a rancher in Oregon who raises one.

  • wsres January 10, 2025 (10:09 am)

    Yay! Hopefully they will eat the rats and a few bunnies since I see 2 or 3 bunnies on every block on my dog walks! I love that they are back!

  • WS Troll January 10, 2025 (12:27 pm)

    A pack of three took down a beloved neighborhood cat in Fauntleroy a couple of months ago.  Caught on camera….   So get your cats in at night.  

  • Westy January 11, 2025 (2:46 am)

    Def just got woken out of my sleep by a small pack of yipping coyotes! Such a crazy feeling/sound!

  • Karie S January 12, 2025 (4:14 am)

    I petsit and water lawns around West Seattle at the crack of dawn, and I see coyotes all over the place, up on peoples’ porches and in yards, eating and drinking anything they can find. I see them drinking out of the bowls on sidewalks and outside stores that well-meaning people put out for the local pet dogs. Coyotes communicate diseases for which our pet dogs have no antibodies or resistance. 

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