(Google Maps Street View image)
One week ago, we reported on King County’s announcement of grants from the voter-restored Conservation Futures levy, including one to the city of Seattle for purchase of a site to be part of an eventual park including the SDOT-owned Delridge Triangle. That latter site had been the subject of extensive community efforts pre-pandemic. Last week’s announcement was explained as an acquisition to eventually combine with the triangle site, to be transferred from SDOT to parks, and a small adjacent street closure. Since then, we’ve been waiting to hear back from Seattle Parks about the plan for the combined sites. Today, we got a response from Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor:
I talked with our Property Team and the site acquired was a private parcel and will be land-banked. We are hoping to fund the development through the next Park District Cycle, so not until after 2028. At that time, we will work on a Transfer of Jurisdiction for the triangle and a street vacation, both currently SDOT property to create a new park.
The landbanked-site development process tends to move slowly – a decade-plus so far for three future-park sites in West Seattle (48th/Charlestown, 40th SW in The Junction, and the Morgan Junction Park Addition).