UPDATE: City crews at 9th/Henderson encampment

(WSB photos)

11:05 AM: Thanks for the texted tip. City crews are working this morning at 9th/Henderson [map], where RVs have camped for months. We went over for these photos after the tip. As is usual, the operation includes multiple city departments, SPD included.

The texter told us, “… The 9th and Henderson RV camp was partially moved today. The city is out there now. However they just moved from the interaction north of Henderson to maybe 75 feet away to now being on the west side of the intersection of Henderson. This encampment has in some variation been here since February. When they cleared out Trenton a few moved here.”

The texter said a car had already been towed this morning; we saw one tow truck standing by in the area. We’ll be checking with the Unified Care Team later in the day for a summary.

ADDED TUESDAY EVENING: A UCT spokesperson says info from this “remediation” – a description that suggests it was more a cleanup operation than a sweep – will be provided tomorrow. Meantime, if you’re interested, the city released its third-quarter homelessness-related data today.

11 Replies to "UPDATE: City crews at 9th/Henderson encampment"

  • Jason December 3, 2024 (11:53 am)

    Cool. Where did the people go with shelters being full? Oh just somewhere else? Did they steal their belongings too? Modern capitalism = fascism.

    • WSB December 3, 2024 (12:48 pm)

      As noted, I’ll be asking the city later for info including how many people outreach workers contacted.

    • Scarlett December 3, 2024 (5:01 pm)

      It’s crony capitalism and Republicans are at least as much at the government trough as anyone else. 

  • DRW December 3, 2024 (12:00 pm)

    So many bicycles.

  • CB December 3, 2024 (12:04 pm)

    We drove past this morning around 9:30am while they towed someone’s RV away. There were a lot of vehicles with orange stickers on the windows down 9th and Henderson.

  • Concerned December 3, 2024 (1:04 pm)

    Yes it is accurate that “When they cleared out Trenton a few moved here”.When they cleared out Trenton a few also moved to 16th Ave SW in front of South Seattle College. Definitely a known issue as on Nov 26, 2024 Seattle Public Utilities crew (with city truck) were there with orange cones & present while private contractor vehicle pumped out holding tanks of the “campers” on 16th Ave SW.

  • K December 3, 2024 (2:40 pm)

    A couple came over to Cambridge between 15th and 16th.  Love how much tax money we spend having people repark vehicles.

  • mem December 3, 2024 (3:09 pm)

    At least a handful have stayed on Henderson- just blocks from 9th. I really don’t understand what these clean-ups  accomplish for either side! Homeowners are still left to deal with garbage, thefts, and other nefarious behaviors. The occupants in RV’s, most of those not operable, are left in the cold without heat or running water. How is that a humane solution? How is this musical chair mentality affecting our community??? We’re frustrated, exhausted, and ready to leave. I don’t see theses RV camps anywhere else in WS. Why doesn’t the city clear them out like they did on Harbor Ave??

    • momos mom December 3, 2024 (3:58 pm)

      @mem—- I think you already know the answer to your question. It’s the same as why didn’t help or removal come to the Burien District Courthouse owned by KC  any sooner and why are there RV’s in the park and ride lot by Arrowhead Senior housing. 🫤

    • Kyle December 3, 2024 (4:01 pm)

      You need to petition SDOT and the council for no parking signs. That is what Alki did and then they came here. 

  • OneTimeCharley December 3, 2024 (6:02 pm)

    They need to move them within days; not weeks or months. Seventy two hours means seventy two hours. Same goes for home owning street parkers. Keep it moving and both types of lawbreakers will decide elsewhere works best, and that’s just fine by me.

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