YOU CAN HELP: Got blankets and pillows? West Seattle’s emergency shelter could use them

As reported here earlier this week, Westside Neighbors Shelter in The Triangle is now open for overnight stays. And Keith Hughes says there’s a greater need than they expected, so operator Keith Hughes is looking for a very specific type of donation and asked us to share the request with you:

With the predictions of extreme wind, heavy rain, and dropping temps, we had ha big influx at the shelter last night. We had 36 overnight guests, which we were not prepared for this early in the winter season. Consequently I ran out of blankets and pillows last night. (We have) a request for twin-size blankets and pillows. I will be at the shelter until 10 pm tonight to take deliveries and again at 7:30 am to 11 am tomorrow (Thursday) morning.

The shelter is at 3618 SW Alaska.

7 Replies to "YOU CAN HELP: Got blankets and pillows? West Seattle's emergency shelter could use them"

  • Paul November 20, 2024 (6:47 pm)

    If your items have been in a closet for awhile probably best to give them a fluff in the dryer before dropping off.  Don’t forget they also always need food items too.  And socks. 

    • Catte November 20, 2024 (8:21 pm)

      They have an Amazon wishlist on their site so you can also buy items and have them shipped over to them. 

      • DeadEnder November 21, 2024 (7:42 am)

        Can you provide that link?

  • momosmom November 21, 2024 (7:02 am)

    In regards to “fluffing the blankets up” some people are scent sensitive and would rather smell nothing at all than smell fake floral scents.

  • Rlv November 21, 2024 (7:12 am)

    Here are donation links to help Keith keep this shelter stocked and running:
    List of items needed

    Amazon wishlist

    Monetary donations

  • L November 21, 2024 (9:48 pm)

    Delivery times on the blankets were running a bit long (Dec 2) so personal donations probably still very helpful.  The priority rankings on the wish list is very helpful. 

  • Luckie November 22, 2024 (8:42 am)

    Hi, I’m one of the volunteers working with Keith to process donations. Please make sure that any blankets you donate are indeed TWIN SIZED, because the blankets need to fit the cots. Also, blankets should be easily machine washable and dryable, so no big puffy comforters or dry-clean-only blankets. Thank you!

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