WINDSTORM AFTERMATH: West Seattle, ~24 hours later

(Charlestown Hill, photographed by Christopher Boffoli)

This time last night, the wind was howling, but tonight, it’s quiet. Throughout the Seattle City Light service area, 20,000+ customers remain without power. No major outages remain in West Seattle, but some residents on west Charlestown Hill/Genesee Hill/upper South Alki were still out (some of them unmapped) at last report. One told us via text, “We are still out and so is our street and I just talked to SCL and they now say the new time is tomorrow by midnight. They were not able to give us any info on why we were still out when most around were good now.” As we told them, the 2006 windstorm – to which the outages from this one are being compared – also left some in West Seattle out for a lot longer than people nearby – the grid connects (or doesn’t) in mysterious ways.

IMPORTANT: If you’re out of power, preparedness guru Cindi Barker reminds us, don’t fall victim to carbon-monoxide poisoning from heating/cooking sources:

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous and odorless gas that cannot be seen or smelled. It can kill a person in minutes. If you don’t have electricity, prevent poisoning from carbon monoxide.

-ONLY use a generator outdoors and far from open windows and vents
-NEVER use a generator indoors in garages or carports
-NEVER cook inside on a charcoal or gas grill

Illustrated flyers in 24 languages

Other notes include a Comcast/Xfinity outage that several have mentioned, and wind damage trashing the early holiday decorations at the famous “4040 house.” A couple readers have mentioned there’s even crowdfunding set up in hopes they can recover in time for this season after all.

As for the weather – no more major wind in the forecast, but looking at next week, there are multiple mentions of possible snow showers!

16 Replies to "WINDSTORM AFTERMATH: West Seattle, ~24 hours later"

  • K November 20, 2024 (9:07 pm)

    I’m just glad I waited to do Thanksgiving shopping.  My heart goes out to everyone with a fridge full of food they have to toss, especially those who already bought the turkey.

  • AlkiGirl61 November 21, 2024 (10:38 am)

    Internet back on Alki! 

  • North Admiral November 21, 2024 (12:54 pm)

    Hoping west Charlestown Hill/Genesee Hill gets power back today – been over 36 hours

    • WSB November 21, 2024 (1:45 pm)

      Have you guys seen SCL crews anywhere in the vicinity?

  • GHmike November 21, 2024 (2:09 pm)

    During the past two hours, there have been several large and small SCL trucks cruise down 53rd Ave., SW between Charlestown and Andover. However, none have stopped to do any work. I’m getting pessimistic that anything will happen to restore power today.

    • CW November 21, 2024 (6:13 pm)

      Are you a line worker? Obviously not or you would know that they are riding out the line! It would be most dangerous to you and the line crew to start work at one spot without knowing if there is damage or an interruption at another spot on the same circuit. Put a little trust in the professionals and put safety first. 

  • K November 21, 2024 (2:35 pm)

    FYI, if you lost food during the power outage that was purchased using DSHS benefits, you can get additional benefits for replacement food, but you have to apply within 10 days.

  • B November 21, 2024 (3:23 pm)

    How is Xfinity internet still not working in High Point? Any idea what the issue is? When might it get restored? The outage map says “Under Investigation” with no time esimate for a return to service. Halp!

    • A November 21, 2024 (5:06 pm)

      Same problem down the hill by Home Depot. I’m very grateful to not have lost power, but the radio silence from Xfinity is super frustrating!

    • AJ November 21, 2024 (5:36 pm)

      Same in Sunrise Heights. While I’m grateful that at least I have power, it’s been incredibly irritating, especially working from home. The latest updates make no mention of West Seattle, which doesn’t provide much hope.

      • WSB November 21, 2024 (6:22 pm)

        I’ll check in with their media person tomorrow – let me know if restored before then

        • Jethro Marx November 21, 2024 (9:07 pm)

          A poplar branch came down in between 28th and 29th SW in the alley right of way and took down the high line at least. Not sure if it’s connected to the Comcast outage but two blocks are without power still and no City Light presence has been noted. Tough spot to access.

        • Mimi November 22, 2024 (7:39 am)

          Xfinity internet still down in Delridge

  • Yay! November 21, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    Power is back on along 53/Charleston! Crews were spotted hard at work along 51st and Dakota! 

  • GHmike November 21, 2024 (4:25 pm)

    Power was restored around 3:30 PM for the area on Genesee Hill involving 155 residents on 52nd SW and 53rd SW. between Andover and Schmitz Park(and surrounding area). Looks like crew trucks are working on the area involving 55 residents in the adjacent area between Andover and Genesee on 52nd Ave., SW and 53rd Ave., SW (which was the first reported outage on Tuesday evening on Genesee Hill).

  • Joshua Thompson November 21, 2024 (9:33 pm)

    Yeah hifh point is still without internet. No updates on the app. Anyone have updates?

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