ONE MORE CHANCE: City Council offers you an extra opportunity for budget comment

2:12 PM: Still have something to say to City Councilmembers before their final budget votes later this week? They’ve added one more round of public comment, to tomorrow morning’s meeting – you can speak in person or online at the 9:30 am Tuesday meeting of the full council as the Select Budget Committee. Budget chair Councilmember Dan Strauss has added the extra comment period mostly because of tax-related proposals made since last Tuesday night’s mega-hearing, but comment won’t be limited to those items. You can speak in person by signing up on the sheets available in council chambers just before the meeting, or online as explained here. The meeting will stream live on Seattle Channel (funding for which is up for discussion too); the first draft of the agenda is here.

3:51 PM: The agenda has been updated with more of the documents for tomorrow’s meeting.

11 Replies to "ONE MORE CHANCE: City Council offers you an extra opportunity for budget comment"

  • Meeeee November 18, 2024 (3:57 pm)

    Saka still hanging on to his $2 million getting rid of a safety barrier on Delridge so 30 families have an easier left turn?                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Saka’s self-dealing over this personal request will be remembered when he’s up for re-election.

    • nerd November 18, 2024 (4:11 pm)

      I’d like to see a recall campaign. The guy is terrible at what he was elected to do, and is obviously corrupt trying to steer city funds to his pet projects.

      • KM November 18, 2024 (4:59 pm)

        It’s becoming very obvious why ALL his opponents endorsed Costa.

        • WS Res November 18, 2024 (10:59 pm)

          If only more West Seattle voters had listened.

  • CarDriver November 18, 2024 (4:28 pm)

    NOBODY is stopped from initiating a recall petition. If you actually want him out, why aren’t you initiating one??

    • Yeah November 19, 2024 (11:17 am)

      Well, CarDriver, we understand that you an expert on literally everything, but most of the rest of us yokels are smart enough to know that we don’t know everything, and the ins and outs of filing such a petition is among the list of such things one might need help with.  You see, unlike the comments section of the blog here, you can’t just turn in something that says “I don’t like this and you need to listen to me!!”  There are specific legal grounds for recall, you need to provide some evidence of the infractions, and the court expects the charges to be submitted in a particular format.  Rob’s indifference to his constituents, while galling, likely does not meet the legal threshold for a recall.  Now the shady crap he is pulling with his self-dealing, and trying to pretend that literally even one constituent wants those things (he thinks we are too stupid to see that the one woman who spoke in favor of removing the median on Delridge was talking to his staffers right before commenting), now there’s some stuff to work with there.  But the court still has expectations of what goes into a recall petition, and it’s not wrong to ask for someone with expertise to help get that ball rolling, when one lacks experience in that realm.  I know, I know, you already knew that, and everything else about the recall process, and that’s why you lambast your neighbors the way you do.  But here’s the RCW, so we can start the work on getting a court-ready petition together.

  • Amy November 18, 2024 (4:35 pm)

    If you can’t comment in person, or online at the time of the meeting, please email to have your voice heard. Saka’s personal needs to turn left on Delridge do not make the community safer. Is he going to ask to have the bus stop removed as well?

  • K November 18, 2024 (7:25 pm)

    If Saka didn’t listen to earlier feedback saying to leave the curb and get rid of the turf, why would he listen now?  He brags about how easy it is for him to ignore criticism after his years at Meta and Microsoft.  It’s clear he doesn’t care what we think, and it only on the council to get taxpayers to fund pet projects for his own family.  Parks and Rec will need to let 9 people go and make deep cuts to their environmental programs, meanwhile he found $1.5 million from the budget of the same department for the turf no one wants.

    • Jason November 19, 2024 (3:40 pm)

      LOL! I just bought a “Save Curby” shirt. I love Brett Hamill

  • Jason November 19, 2024 (3:37 pm)

    Not only is Saka’s Barrier Gate asinine, he is anti taxing rich people and continues to put burden on small land owners and middle to lower class.  He only looks out for HIS BOTTOM LINE.  He opposed Cathy Moore’s capital gains tax. And yes, Barrier Gate is beyond corrupt.

Sorry, comment time is over.