(The size/shape alternatives under consideration for Fauntleroy terminal/dock replacement)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Building the new Fauntleroy ferry dock/terminal could take up to four years.
That’s part of what the project’s Community Advisory Group learned during an online meeting Wednesday night.
The time frame depends on what alternative is chosen for the new dock – Washington State Ferries is on the verge of deciding on an alternative to carry forward into environmental review. “We’re getting to the end of the PEL (planning and environmental linkages) study process.”
WSF’s David Sowers started the meeting by revisiting the Good to Go! tolling/advance-ticketing study, a focus of the CAG’s previous meeting last month.
Group member Judy Pickens asked about costs. Sowers said it’s in the report – they had options from $5 million to $20 million for using Good To Go! He said it’s effective in its full implementation but only saving a few minutes in “dwell time. … That for us was not enough to .. (pursue) significant policy changes” that it would take, “not something we could implement any time soon.” He added that the cost of operating and maintaining the system is sizable too – “some capital upfront costs … if money were no constraint, it might be a lot more doable, but the benefit we saw” (wasn’t enough to suggest they pursue the costly option).”
WSF’s Hadley Rodero reminded everyone that they had decided to carry a partial implementation of Good To Go! into the level 3 screening, as well as Wave To Go advanced ticketing with a “similar-sized” dock. (All the dock sizes being screened are bigger than the current one.) So all vehicles will continue to go through toll booths.
Another group member, Mardi Clements, said she was glad that there’d be some time saved, so everyone would benefit.
Next, Sowers focused on the factors that would have to be considered for construction. WSF will continue some level of service during construction – the dock won’t be completely out of commission. Sowers said they’d been asked by a King County Water Taxi rep if passenger-only service would be an option. Site constraints include “a narrow piece of land on which to operate.” Permitting requirements will include addressing noise, dealing with staging areas. “We know construction is disruptive – it’s impactful, sometimes stressful, but will lead us to a product we’ll all be happy with.”
Construction criteria are spelled out here:
Regarding maintaining some level of service, they may consider building a temporary slip as well as looking at ways to move passengers. Sowers said they’d also recently hired consultants to look at the Triangle Route schedule – reviewing it for the current time as well as construction.
He handed off to Ed Thomas, project engineering lead, who got further into construction details. He said they’re still trying to identify construction staging and office areas.
In the first stage, they’d use the existing dock. Then for 15-18 months, traffic would move to the temporary slip. Phase 2B, another move, then Phase 3, the temporary dock/slip would be removed and the new dock would move.
They chose the A alternatives for the graphics but that does not mean other options have been ruled out, Thomas clarified in response to a question. In response to another one, WSF acknowledged that some of the offshore components will be replaced as part of the project.
Group member Anne Higuera said she’s “excited to see this” and asked questions – starting with, have they consulted any contractors yet? Sowers said no, but there are a lot of people on staff with experience enough to know these plans are promising. Would materials come in and go out through West Seattle or be barged in? Both, said Sowers – a fair amount of suppliers are on the Duwamish River, for example. It’s a large-enough project that “most of the work is going to be done from the water,” he said. Higuera wondered if the temporary dock should perhaps be built elsewhere on the West Seattle peninsula. No, said Sowers – “building it in a completely different location” would require another level of permitting, among other things. He said they acknowledge building the temporary dock and demolishing it will be costly, but there’s no way around it.
Is there an estimated start date? Sowers was asked. No – could be as early as 2027-2028, “regardless of the option” chosen, he said. And yes, he replied to a question, they have to work around fish windows (times when in-water construction is not permitted because of fish-related considerations).
How much holding will there be on the temporary dock? “Less than 84 cars, so there will be additional traffic that queues on Fauntleroy Way, Sowers said. Thomas said it could range from 18 to 40 vehicles on the dock, depending on how the loading/offloading phase works during construction. So it’s a small temporary structure, Clements said. Yes, Thomas confirmed, it would be pretty much the same between all the alternatives.
The estimated durations are based on all the permit requirements and noise/work hours rules, Thomas said. Pickens asked, so anything affecting the creek flow would be limited to three months of the year? Yes, said Thomas.
Group member Justin Hirsch said he’s glad to see the temporary slip idea – the concept of rerouting downtown just wouldn’t work. But he’s worried that potentially three years of traffic backups on Fauntleroy is daunting, so traffic would need active management. “Sometimes Fauntleroy Way SW looks like a Mad Max movie and it’s going to look even more like that.”
WSF’s Hadley Rodero stressed that planning for schedules and traffic flow will be vital, including how they communicate it to the community.
Thomas said there’ll be a 15-foot-wide clear zone on both sides of the dock, north and south.
For construction duration – depending on the alternative chosen, anywhere from 33 to 48 months. And that’s just the “physical construction activities,” Thomas said.
Sowers then picked up the topic of “construction-delivery method.” They intend to use “design-build” – a single contractor who will design and build the project – as opposed to design-bid-build. “This is more of a ‘best value’ approach to project delivery,” Sowers said, adding that it helps the state manage risk, via one contractor being accountable for so much of it. He said it also means the project can be built faster – maybe they’ll come up with a better way to phase it. (And yes, they’ll have incentives for finishing earlier.) “I want to dispel any myths that the design-builder is going to do whatever they want” – they still have to live up to terms of the contract, Sowers said.
Group member David McDaniel hoped they’d be reviewing a “rough draft” sooner rather than later.” Sowers agreed. He said they’d like to build it faster, but the current estimates are in a three- to four-year timeframe.
In other discussion, Sowers said WSF has a lot of leeway about what they can put into the request for bids – if they wanted the building to be sided in cedar, for example, they could specify that. There’ll also be more community engagement as they move further into the planning purpose. They’ll also have to decide if the CAG will go forward in its current configuration.
As the meeting moved toward the hour and a quarter mark, it was pointed out that WSF had just sent an alert about possible reduced service to Vashon tomorrow morning – “we have to make sure that doesn’t happen during construction,” WSF was told.
Yes, Cove Park north of the dock will be affected, temporarily, Thomas acknowledged in response to another comment. But, CAG member Frank Immel pressed, will it be closed? No, that’s not the intention, Thomas said. Immel and Clements said that the project should take the space it needs – “we as a community have lived without that (access) before,” like during the pump-station project last decade. Speaking of Cove Park, WSF is still working to acquire the “little white house” property north of the park and is in negotiations with King County, said WSF’s Charles Torres. They’re keeping the tenants apprised. They’d use the site for staging and break-room space for starters, with the intersection project starting as soon as next year. Then they’d use it for construction administration during that project, and find a way to occupy it during the interval before terminal construction begins.
Other discussion included logistics and aspects of the intersection project, which will signalize the intersection. Nearby residents along Upper Fauntleroy Way will be taken into consideration as the signal is built, the group was assured. WSF’s Mark Bandy said the signal height should not lead to major effects for nearby residents.
Here’s what happens next – the last steps before choosing a preferred alternative for the new dock’s size and shape:
No date yet for the next meeting – you can watch this page.