YOU CAN HELP: Madison Middle School PTSA fundraiser

As the new school year scales up, we’re back to spotlighting school-related fundraisers – here’s an announcement from the Madison Middle School PTSA:

Madison Middle School PTSA has a shiny new website thanks to a parent volunteer and we are holding our back-to-school fundraising drive through September 30.

With these donations we can fund field trips and enrichment opportunities such as online curriculum access, guest speakers, professional development, and magazine subscriptions. With the community’s generous donations last year, we were able to purchase new outdoor seating for the cafeteria, new books for the library, fund the entire 7th and 8th grades for a walking field trip to view “Boys in the Boat” at the Admiral Theater, provide community dinners, guest speakers, teacher appreciation and more! These funds also helped teachers buy basic necessities like graph paper, highlighters, and art supplies. Thank you in advance for your support! Donations can be made here. Go Bulldogs!

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