New partner, new name for what’s now the West Seattle Book Club

Another nightlife phenomenon in West Seattle is the monthly convening of what was the West Seattle Silent Book Club – aka “introverts’ happy hour.” It’s grown to a dozen venues every month where people gather to read and then chat – or not. It’s BYOB (bring your own book). This week, a big two-part announcement from organizers, as their October reading night approaches – a new partner and new name:

We are becoming an independent organization named West Seattle Book Club that is rooted in and local to West Seattle and White Center rather than being connected to a global organization. We are so very grateful to have begun as a chapter of the global Silent Book Club organization, and over the years (and because of the incredible support of this neighborhood!), we have become more than a chapter. We have become a neighborhood-wide reading night. As our gatherings have grown, there has been added complexity to organizing, and we have recognized the need for more substantial local support.

We are so excited to share that West Seattle Book Club is becoming part of the West Seattle Junction Association to support our sustainability as a reading community. As part of the West Seattle Junction Association, we will continue to gather all across the neighborhood, from White Center up to Admiral, and we will continue to be led and organized by the same team of local volunteers. The West Seattle Junction Association will provide the support and organization we need to sustain our neighborhood-wide reading nights. We are thrilled to be embedded in such an important neighborhood institution.

The newly renamed West Seattle Book Club‘s next gathering is this Thursday, October 3, 7-9 pm. For Thursday’s reading locations – from North Admiral to White Center – see our calendar listing.

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