FOLLOWUP: Damaged barrier removed from still-closed-to-drivers West Seattle low bridge

(SDOT photo)

4:57 PM: An SDOT crew has removed the low-bridge barrier “severely damaged” when a suspected drunk driver hit it at high speed Saturday evening (here’s our report on the crash). As explained yesterday, that was an important next step so they could take it to the repair shop and evaluate it to see whether it can be fixed or needs to be replaced. Once they’ve done that, SDOT will be able to estimate when the bridge can reopen to drivers; bicyclists and pedestrians can use it, but people in motor vehicles can’t. In addition to the barrier, the gate-control panel and wiring were damaged too, and those are being worked on. Since the barrier’s gone, here’s what’s in place across the bridge instead:

(SDOT camera screenshot)

If any other updates emerge tonight, we’ll add them here.

7:28 PM: SDOT has published an update, including this:

If the repairs are not completed before the weekend, crews would continue working on repairs over the weekend and we would reduce the scale of work on the nearby Spokane St Viaduct paving project to make sure that people have access to get on the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge from SODO.

You can read more – and see more photos of the damaged barrier – here.

Also, SPD published a blotter post tonight about the crash – no new information beyond what we’ve already reported here, but some photos taken that night by responders are part of it.

3 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Damaged barrier removed from still-closed-to-drivers West Seattle low bridge"

  • Al King September 17, 2024 (5:39 pm)

    WSB. What is the status on the driver? Also, if repairs go into the weekend what are the ramifications with the upper lever repaving?

    • WSB September 17, 2024 (8:27 pm)

      Added the latter. Former, don’t know if he’s still in the hospital, but he hasn’t been booked into jail, nor has he been charged.

  • patrick September 18, 2024 (11:05 pm)

    Hope that the city will go after the driver and make them pay for the bridge repair.

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