CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Suspect charged with murder in newly revealed June homicide case

When we reported Wednesday on a newly revealed West Seattle homicide case, after the King County Medical Examiner‘s daily list announced the victim’s name and cause of death, Seattle Police had told us no one was in custody. This morning – as we noted here – SPD contacted us to say they actually had arrested a suspect July 11. To find out what happened to that suspect, we next inquired with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which subsequently sent us the court documents in the case.

30-year-old Kyle S. Castillo of Fauntleroy is charged with second-degree murder in the death of 53-year-old William G. Tappe. Castillo is no longer in custody, having posted bond for $2 million bail. The narrative in the charging documents says the ultimately deadly assault happened outside a Metro bus. Around 1:30 am on June 13, the documents say, several men boarded a West Seattle-bound RapidRide C Line bus downtown, including Tappe. As shown on the bus’s security video, one of the men put a bicycle onto the bus’s front rack. As the bus approached Fauntleroy and Alaska 10 minutes later, someone complained to the driver about two other men allegedly smoking something. The driver asked those two to leave the bus at 40th/Alaska. Tappe, who was sitting behind the two, also got up to leave. As he left the bus, the documents say, he apparently touched the bicycle, at which time, the narrative says, the video shows that the man later identified as Castillo …

… moved quickly toward the front of the bus and out the door, saying ‘That’s my bike right there’ and then attacking Tappe. The video shows Tappe fall to the ground, with Castillo crouching on top of Tappe, punching him in the face. Tappe curled into a ball and appeared to hold his head, while Castillo picked up Tappe’s backpack and threw it at Tappe. Castillo then kicks Tappe at least once while Tappe lies on the ground. The impact of this kick on Tappe’s head/face was loud and strong enough to be captured by the audio inside the open doors of the bus. Castillo then got back on the bus, and the bus departed.

The documents say that the security video shows Castillo then bragging to another passenger about what he did. Meantime, Tappe managed to walk a few blocks west to California/Alaska, where a bystander called 911, and Tappe eventually was taken to the hospital, where he died a few days later, documents say, from “blood loss as a result of multiple blunt force injuries to his face and head.”

The documents say detectives identified the suspect by showing the security-camera image to businesses near where the man with the bicycle got on the bus, and found a bar where someone recognized him and thought his last name was Castillo. Looking at jail records from past bookings, detectives made a match. That eventually led them to Castillo’s Fauntleroy residence, and on the day he was arrested, July 10th, a police sergeant saw him in a crosswalk at 45th and Wildwood, with a bicycle that looked like the one in the bus video. The sergeant arrested him, and then confirmed with the case detective that it was apparently the same bicycle. Police obtained a warrant to search Castillo’s home and say they found the clothing shown on the man who attacked Tappe.

Prosecutors charged Castillo with second-degree murder the next day. He posted bond and was released one day after that, on July 12th. He pleaded not guilty at arraignment two weeks later; prosecutors asked that he be on electronic home monitoring while out on bail, but the request was denied. The documents say his only record is “a prior conviction in 2019 for Reckless Driving, reduced from Driving Under the Influence, and (currently) a deferred prosecution for another DUI and Hit&Run that occurred in 2020.” The jail booking photos from those cases are part of what detectives used to identify Castillo before arresting him.

70 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Suspect charged with murder in newly revealed June homicide case"

  • Sillygoose August 1, 2024 (9:55 pm)

    Disturbing on many levels such as why didn’t the bus driver call for help? 

    • WSB August 1, 2024 (10:08 pm)

      I don’t know whether the driver did or didn’t but one possibility is that the driver was distracted – the narrative is 2+ pages so not every little detail is in my summary but part of it says “The two passengers exited the bus as the driver requested but stopped to argue with the driver and the other passenger at the door. At that point, Tappe got up from his seat and exited the bus, too.” It doesn’t say whether the argument continued through the assault, nor what kind of vantage point the driver had of what was going on by the bike rack, or of the live video.

    • Georgia August 2, 2024 (11:33 pm)

      I too, would be very interested to know the details on this incident. We don’t have all of the facts. All buses are equipped with Emergency Alarms. The operator could have used it.  It’s up to the operator as to whether or not they make contact with the Transit Communication Center after deploying the EA based on their safety assessment. The police should have been dispatched either way for a serious and known assault. All buses have GPS. The big question is how long the police response will take. The bus driver is on scene trying to deal with the situation on their own until supervisors and police arrive. Very precarious at times.  The operator, and responding supervisor if any, should have also submitted a Security Incident Report and the Transit Communication should have made CSR entry if they received a call from the operator. All radio tapes and documents are discoverable under a Public Records Request.  

    • McGruf August 3, 2024 (12:05 am)

      Daaaang, time for everyone to do their civic duty and be a juror.  Can you imagine a case like this?

  • WSzombie August 1, 2024 (10:01 pm)

    There are so many appalling actions by multiple people in this article it makes me want to vomit.1) the bus driver should have called the cops, not just drove off.2) bail should not have been allowed. 3) Why tf did they deny electronic monitoring when the prosecutor asked for it? They shouldn’t ask if the judge doesn’t listen. This is repulsive behavior, aside from the obvious MURDERER that is freely walking the streets now. 

  • Vitaly August 1, 2024 (10:29 pm)

    Kyle is the best guy I know, he helped me beat cancer by paying for my hospital bills. And bought me a car when I was on the street struggling. 

    • Matt August 2, 2024 (3:45 am)

      You must be surprised then that he *allegedly* showed this lack of human decency to the man he *allegedly* beat and killed. And that he *allegedly* bragged about it to his associates.

    • K August 2, 2024 (7:18 am)

      Sounds like this guy’s got money, but money doesn’t make you a good person.  So heartbreaking that the victim died of blood loss.  Hard not to wonder how much LESS blood he would have lost if aid were rendered at the point of attack and he wasn’t walking three blocks before someone called 911.  It’s also hard not to wonder if help would have come sooner and the outcome would have been different if roles were reversed and the victim had the financial means the alleged attacker did. 

    • Alki August 2, 2024 (7:30 am)

      I’m sorry to hear that. Wishing you all the best in getting to know better people. 

    • Not a good guy August 2, 2024 (7:55 am)

      I’m glad he helped you, but good people don’t beat other people to death for touching their bicycle. 

    • Dwg August 2, 2024 (9:02 am)

      The best guy you know beat a man to death?

    • Brian August 2, 2024 (9:32 am)

      You may want to update your “best guy I know” rankings given new evidence 

    • R2 August 2, 2024 (9:58 am)

      The “best guy” you know is also the kind of guy who places the value of a bicycle over the life of a human being. I’d hate to see what the rest of your friends are like.

    • Bill Larsen August 2, 2024 (11:08 am)

      Not the same Kyle Castillo.

    • Bester Guy August 2, 2024 (11:11 am)

      Oof. I hate to think of what the rest of the guys you know are like. Good people make mistakes, sure. Good people beat the actual life out of a person for touching their bike?…Nah. I don’t think so. 

    • K s August 20, 2024 (1:48 pm)

      I know him as well. One of the kindest people I know and never known to be violent. 

  • Alki Jack August 1, 2024 (10:42 pm)

     Prosecutors asked that he be on electronic home monitoring while out on bail, but the request was denied. He killed a man, what is the down side of electronic home monitoring??? The judges are WAY too easy on these criminals, which is leading to the escalation of crime currently in Seattle.

  • C August 1, 2024 (10:51 pm)

    I’m confused- he murdered someone on purpose and got bail and doesn’t have home monitoring? What planet am I living on? 

    • Bill Larsen August 2, 2024 (11:13 am)

      I hate to say this, but there are too many liberal judges in this state. I’ve experienced it with the person who killed my wife in a hit and run. When you vote for a judge, vote for the ones who are endorsed by the police union. Judges are letting these criminal go or giving them light sentences, why I don’t know.

      • ACG August 2, 2024 (8:26 pm)

        Bill- I an so sorry for the tragic loss of your wife. Yes, people should pay attention when voting for judges. Sadly, many of them run unopposed. 

      • K August 3, 2024 (7:28 am)

        While the outcome is disappointing, I have seen/been involved in far too many court cases where I’ve seen judges practically begging for the evidence they need to rule the way common sense would dictate.  But their hands are tied by the law and if prosecutors don’t do the work to present the evidence the law requires, they don’t really have a choice in their ruling.  Very, very little is left to the discretion of the judge any more on matters like this.  People just don’t realize how much of this is on the legislature, and what the legislature is up to in general.  You can vote in whoever you want, but unless you get someone on the bench who just decides to ignore the law in their rulings, you’re going to get pretty much the same outcomes.

  • Metro mess up August 1, 2024 (11:46 pm)

    How shocking the bus driver witnessed this and let Castillo back on the bus. What an insane and psychotic reaction that cost a living person their life. This isn’t a game we don’t get respawns. 

    1. What’s sad and shocking is someone literally ended up dying from this cruel act and most people didn’t help. I hope the metro bus driver is eventually fired. The community failed Mr Tappe and Metro failed the community. 

    We are supposed to look out for people. I hope people come together to voice their concerns that a Metro driver didn’t do anything to protect people and shouldn’t be allowed to continue working for the city. 

    • CarDriver August 2, 2024 (6:51 am)

      Metro drivers aren’t the police. Sitting in their seat they’re in a vulnerable position. They have to think about their own safety-and the other passengers (normal functioning) on the bus.  Making the bus driver the scapegoat will only accomplish one thing: disincentivizing people from becoming bus drivers. 

    • WSRob August 2, 2024 (8:49 am)

      Go back and read the comments from the hero that shot the attacker in Lincoln Park a week or so ago. He was bashed while the actions of the attacker were not even brought up. We live in an area of people who don’t believe the reality they created. They will always wonder why OTHERS don’t help or get involved from the safety of their phones or computers, but if someone does intervene they question their tactics. 

  • BDR August 2, 2024 (4:41 am)

    WSB, don’t Metro busses have like a silent alarm the bus driver can activate to alert Metro there is an urgent situation on the bus and they need assistance right away? We need to be aware of decisions made by judges who are up for re-election before we cast our votes. How does one review decisions made by judges and case details?Police arrest people, prosecutors bring the case to the judges, and the accused are too often released to reoffend before they ever have the case heard in court. Something needs to change. No wonder it is so hard to hire police. Yes, I am aware there are other reason why it is difficult to hire police too. 

    • Georgia August 3, 2024 (1:13 am)

      Yes, all buses have Emergency Alarms and GPS tracking. All operators and supervisors are trained on how and when to use the EA. Remember, we dont have all of the facts here, though.

  • Sigh August 2, 2024 (5:58 am)

    The metro driver is not supposed to stop something like this. That is not their job. Calling police yes but stopping someone from attacking another person no. Plus we don’t know all the information of what did and didn’t happen.

  • Kaori August 2, 2024 (6:16 am)

    There is something really wrong with Seattle. . Did you see the van parked in Junction Plaza Park? With the obvious drug dealer next to it. This neighborhood has gone downhill fast. 

    • waikikigirl August 2, 2024 (6:13 pm)

      If you think WS has gone downhill fast come on over to Burien…it’ll make you think WS is Shangri-La 

  • anonyme August 2, 2024 (6:34 am)

    While it sometimes seems that bus drivers are damned if they do and damned if they don’t, it seems odd that two people would be kicked off the bus for smoking something, while another was allowed to continue riding after a vicious assault.  Apparently not all crime is related to poverty, as Castillo was able to post $2 million bail.   Wish we had a photo of him given that we have a volatile murderer loose in our neighborhood.

  • Runner August 2, 2024 (6:56 am)

    What kind of person ruthlessly beats someone to death for touching their bike and walks away? The fact that this person is walking around West Seattle free is beyond belief.

  • Shawn August 2, 2024 (8:30 am)

    I don’t know too many people who have $2 million lying around to pay bail. That’s crazy! 

  • jissy August 2, 2024 (8:36 am)

    Holy F, this dude that’s triggered to murder b/c someone touches his bike is not even being monitored –what is the name of that judge?   This is insane!

  • CM August 2, 2024 (8:57 am)

    So the bus driver is supposed to get in the face of a guy who just beat someone up?  That person has a family too, let’s keep the blame where it needs to be—on the criminal who committed the assault. 

    • MP August 17, 2024 (6:24 am)

      Who says the bus driver needs to get in anyone’s face?  He can simply make a call on his comm device.  Quietly.   Decently. 

  • Bob August 2, 2024 (9:21 am)

    He will get a light sentence. He new that he took it to far. When you are beating someone up you can feel when enough is enough. He deserves a10 years straight in prison no early release.The bus driver should be fired regardless. Case closed.Give the smokers a week in jail as reminder no smoking on the bus. Case closed.

  • Know him August 2, 2024 (9:23 am)

    People with money can afford bail and expensive lawyers. Best guy I know? Puhleese. 

  • WS Troll August 2, 2024 (9:33 am)

    I guess I would like to see the video, because the way the WSB has reported this, it seems the driver should have been aware of what was going on in front of his/her bus.  A call for help for the beaten man seems like the least that could be done.  Denying reentry to the aggressor in the case feels like the right thing to have done.  But I guess now we know who he is, and we have recording of him boasting after the fact.   so evidence?

    • Not Again… August 2, 2024 (11:04 am)

      Agreed, and Metro needs to take those “SafePlace” stickers off the busses too. My friend was beaten by some guy on the CLine in March, bus driver left him in a heap on the sidewalk and said guy got back on the bus. Dude said “you looking at me” before attacking. I highly suspect this was the same guy. This happened around Barton and 35th. The cops came out and gave my friend a business card. 

  • Belvidear August 2, 2024 (10:19 am)

    Can y’all back off of the bus driver? They are trained to drive a bus, not to handle lawlessness. 

    • Alki resident August 2, 2024 (7:14 pm)

      Ya ok, until it’s YOUR family member who is murdered right?

  • Bronté Corbray August 2, 2024 (11:17 am)

    I’ve been a long time friend of Kyle, known him and his family for my whole life basically. He’s been having a hard time in the last few years but has been getting himself back to a better place mentally. As all of us have dealt with some sort of stress or mental issues in our lives I’m sure you can all understand the feeling of an overwhelming amount of emotions. And I think that’s what tragically, and unfortunately ended that man’s life. Kyle will pay for his actions in the legal system, and having to deal with knowing he accidentally took somebodies life. But what both families don’t need are people who don’t know anything about anybody in the situation commenting like they do. Please be respectful of both parties as if you were in the situation yourself. 

    • jedidiahperkins August 2, 2024 (12:04 pm)

      Kyle did not “accidentally take somebody’s life.” He intentionally murdered that man for touching his bike. I think we all know what will happen if you kick another human being in the head like that. And if it was an accident, why did he flee the scene and brag about it?’

      Also he already had a DUI hit and run, so this is clearly a pattern for Kyle.

      Blaming this on “bad mental stress,” is a cop out. If he had money to afford 2 million bail, he can also afford therapy to help him through those difficult times. Men will do absolutely anything except go to therapy.

      • B August 2, 2024 (10:04 pm)

        What the honest F do you know about men not going to therapy? That dumb comment invalidates all your comments preceeding it. 

        • jedidiahperkins August 2, 2024 (11:04 pm)

          You should reflect on why that comment agitated you so much, B.

    • Jeff August 2, 2024 (12:26 pm)

      You mean like everyone here does when it’s someone homeless who stole something from Rite Aid because they’re down and out and then treated as if they were a leper to society immediately for being poor? Or is it just privileged people the ones that should get benefits of the doubt? 

    • Lauren August 2, 2024 (12:50 pm)

      Sorry, no, I’ve never experienced feelings so overwhelming that I’ve beaten someone to death. I am very sorry you’re going through this. But this was not an accident.

    • Seattlite August 2, 2024 (2:25 pm)

      No I do not understand how an individual who has “…feeling of an overwhelming amount of emotions..” would use the out-of-control emotions to kill an innocent person.  There are no excuses for what Kyle did unless one would want to say that with his out-of-control  emotions driving him to kill he should have never been allowed out on the streets.

    • Alex August 2, 2024 (4:36 pm)

      Your friend has pled Not Guilty.  I doubt you are doing him any favors with this post.

      • TheArroyos August 2, 2024 (11:56 pm)

        Exactly. This. Haha!

    • Mike August 2, 2024 (5:16 pm)

      “Accident” is still murder. Hate to be that guy, but you might have just sealed your buddies fate here. But- As the bail out is mentioned, Seems he may come from a family with money. So he might be able to wiggle out with the backing of $. Sad.

  • Peter Leahy August 2, 2024 (11:18 am)

    I’m shocked at how many people are attacking the bus driver. You don’t know that the bus driver was even aware of the situation, yet you’re assigning all the blame to them and wanting them fired. This anger towards the driver is mean spirited and baseless. The fact that these commenters are angrier at the bus driver than at a literal murderer is appalling. 

  • Victimized twice August 2, 2024 (4:39 pm)

    The other tragic thing is that the victim doesn’t have anyone to fight for justice for him. 

  • Patrick August 2, 2024 (5:19 pm)

    So glad the police arrested this thug so quickly, but I can’t believe he came up with 200K for bail. Even more unbelievable is that the judge didn’t approve home electronic monitoring. This guy could be anywhere in WS wondering around freely. That is absolutely insane.

  • Fauntleroy resident August 2, 2024 (9:00 pm)

    @WSB — Any chance you can make a public disclosure request to SPD for the suspect’s mug shot? I know many of us would like to know what he looks like so we can be alert.

  • So transparent August 2, 2024 (11:22 pm)

    Rich kid beats a homeless guy to death and all of his friends come on here to say he’s a good guy? Way to show your a–es. 

  • Dude August 3, 2024 (9:28 am)

    Kyle’s a good person. He did a bad thing but I know he didn’t mean to kill anyone. This is a really terrible situation for everyone involved. I will say that as someone who has had tens of thousands of dollars worth of property stolen from my house, property, vehicle, I including two vehicles, I would have done something physical, nothing as bad as what Kyle did, but I would have beat some a–. No one deserves to lose their life over theft, but the homelessness problem and the lack of any sort of police effort to do anything about it needs to change. Stay strong Kyle. 

    • Patrick August 3, 2024 (4:19 pm)

      To Dude— good people don’t kill others for small things like”touching someone’s bicycle”. So your friend is anything but a “good person”. Your “friend” might have been nice to you, but he was not to others.

    • Seriously August 3, 2024 (5:22 pm)

      Serious? No one has any right to lay their hand on anyone else (other than obvious self defense) EVER!!!!!!!!!! Your way of thinking baffles me.  Pleaae stay away from guns,sharp objects and explosives.

    • K August 4, 2024 (7:30 am)

      Dude, even if the guy had lived, your buddy reacted violently to someone touching his property, not even trying to steal it.  And even if it was theft, responding with violence to a property crime is just gross.  Your friend kicked him while he was down, and kicked him hard enough it was picked up by the Metro bus’s audio.  That is a CRAZY overreaction to someone touching your bike.  That’s a CRAZY overreaction even if someone was stealing your bike.  The fact that he was homeless doesn’t make it okay.  Your disapproval of the police doesn’t make it okay.  Your defense of Kyle is doing more to show that you are the kind of person the narrative makes Kyle out to be–which in turn makes it more believable that he is too.  

    • Whatever August 4, 2024 (7:31 am)

      Kyle is not a good guy, he’s a murderer. Good people don’t beat another person to death. 

  • anonyme August 3, 2024 (1:53 pm)

    It seems odd that the bus driver would kick two people off the bus for smoking (completely justifiable) but not even call police after allowing someone to re-board the bus after a vicious assault.  I can understand not wanting to confront someone like that, but as someone else said, the driver could either have closed the doors and left or called in an emergency.  There’s one other thing I find troubling, and that’s the fact that this guy is out on 2 million dollars bail.  What if the situation was reversed?  What if it was the rich guy who was beaten to death by a homeless or poor person?  I’m pretty certain the poor guy would be sitting in jail charged with second-degree murder, not cruising the streets of West Seattle.  Appalling that having money allows murderers to walk free.  Bail should either be income/resource based, or better yet, not allowed for certain crimes – like murder.

  • DeeJay August 3, 2024 (2:35 pm)

    GREAT work SPD!  meanwhile, we all have a very dangerous person walking the streets.  

  • J August 3, 2024 (9:20 pm)

    First off. There is no excuse for this kind of violence. Period. There is however a lot of information missing from this story, of which I suppose the police know but cannot reveal. I feel certain that drugs and or alcohol were involved, possibly in all the men. Why was the murdered guy “touching” the murderer’s bike? Was he looking to steal it? I have ridden Metro many times and you can’t “touch” a bike attached to the front of the bus unless you intend to mess with kit. What transpired on the bus among these men before the beating? I know that bus stop well, and it is not a well lit area. The bus driver and riders on the bus may have not seen the beating, which transpired in probably 15 seconds. Or they just figured it was a brawl between two drunk or high guys. The victim walked from that stop up the hill to Alaska and California. Why didn’t he call 911 himself. I guess he was probably in shock. I’m glad someone did call, but it was too late. Please don’t blame the bus driver. Bus drivers have to deal with all sorts of crazy stuff and psychotics all day every day. I feel sorry for them.

  • Oh Seattle August 4, 2024 (7:02 am)

    Judging by Kyle’s actions and the type of friends he has (excuses, excuses, excuses), I’m going to guess that poor Kyle suffers from a terminal case of Affluenza.

  • Gaslit August 4, 2024 (10:10 pm)

    First- being a public apologist for “Kyle” is a very bad look. He’s a dangerous individual. Even if the victim hadn’t lost his life,”Kyle” delivered a vicious beating. He’s a danger to the community. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. WSB should really reconsider posting these apologist comments in respect to the victim’s family who may be readers Second- the bus driver should be charged with accessory to murder for leaving the scene of a violent crime. He could have locked the bus doors and called 911, but inexplicably left the scene with the murderer in tow. Basically drove a getaway vehicle. At a minimum this person should lose their job, pension and all benefits that the public pays. A man could be alive today if he had made the correct decision. 

  • Sad August 6, 2024 (8:32 pm)

    I know Kyle, he worked for our family business for a little while but we had to let him go because his drinking became an issue. I suspect that alcohol was involved in this incident, and I had seen him become belligerent before so it wouldn’t surprise me. Never struck me as a bad person, just someone who lost their way. Sad that this is the result. Sad that this type of thing is becoming more common in our city. 1:30AM, homeless, drug addicts, and a violent drunk on the bus. Ends with one of them dead and the other going to prison for a decade. Sad. 

  • Joey August 17, 2024 (3:57 am)

    Would see this guy around the restaurants I used to work at, he got drunk one night and punched a customer, he got in my face  a different night while he was drunk, while I was working, and these incidents were 3-4 years ago. I can’t imagine how many other incidents have occurred. Kicking an old man’s head inevitably killing him while he’s balled up on the concrete because he touched his bike… good lord.

  • K s August 20, 2024 (1:52 pm)

    Is there an update now as of August 20 

    • WSB August 20, 2024 (3:00 pm)

      Nothing has happened in the case since we reported this. Court docket says the next hearing is scheduled for September 12.

Sorry, comment time is over.