Just 13 hours to go untili the West Seattle Fourth of July Kids’ Parade, presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association. It’s actually a two-part event – first the parade, leaving from 44th/Sunset in North Admiral at 10 am, ending at Hamilton Viewpoint Park for a celebration with sack races, activity tables/booths, and food/treat trucks/pop-ups (bring $ for those – everything else is free). For details, see the preview we published Tuesday; one addition since then, according to parade coordinator Megan Erb – Admiral’s own Arthur’s has joined the food lineup. Here’s one more look at the route map:
Police will stop traffic on California SW at SW Atlantic as the parade crosses. There will also be more pedestrian traffic than usual in the area as families leave the park when they’re ready (the activities usually wrap up by noon). WSB is one of the parade’s community co-sponsors – see you there!