FOLLOWUP: See exactly where Fairmount Avenue will be blocked starting Monday, as Admiral Way Bridge project begins. New info on Admiral itself, too

We have some answers today to questions that readers had after we reported two days ago that SDOT would start the Fairmount Avenue closure next Monday, as the Admiral Way Bridge seismic-strengthening project gets going. The main question was where exactly Fairmount will be blocked off, so that area residents can get to and from their homes, and so that would-be through traffic isn’t turning around halfway up/down the hill. Dr. Matthew Howard from SDOT’s project team says:

The contractor confirmed with me that there will be barricades at the bottom of the hill at SW Prince, at the top at SW Forest, and then another set farther down at the actual work area, with fencing. There will be no thru traffic as the work will be taking place on the bridge structure with cranes and equipment blocking the road. See the below image to see a rough view of where barricades will be:

He says they’re hoping that will be enough to dissuade would-be cut-through traffic. This is a full closure – not just for drivers, but also for people walking, running, riding, and rolling. On the bridge deck itself, SDOT says the lane closures – between Walnut and 39th – aren’t expected to start until August, and dates aren’t yet set for the two full weekend closures that will be needed for that part of the project.

9 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: See exactly where Fairmount Avenue will be blocked starting Monday, as Admiral Way Bridge project begins. New info on Admiral itself, too"

  • 22blades July 3, 2024 (5:57 pm)

    Thanks for the update. We can now plan accordingly.

  • Admiral-2009 July 3, 2024 (10:40 pm)

    Closing Fairmont for six months impacts a well used pedestrian/bicycle connection to Harbor Avenue and the Water Taxi. 

    Review of the King County iMap there is ROW, Belvidere Ave SW, connection from SW Prescott to Fairmont Avenue.  Maybe the City could create a pedestrian path in this ROW to provide an alternative pedestrian route from the NE Admiral area to Harbor Avenue and the Water Taxi.

    • Derp July 4, 2024 (8:59 am)

      You know they have been talking about this for MONTHS.  And now you have an issue with this 2 days before the work starts. A little late to the party and to late to make any changes. Why wait until the berry last minute to day anything.  More nimbys

      • 22blades July 11, 2024 (6:10 am)

        Actually, he has brought it up before. Regardless of how plausible it is, chill out.

  • Admiral-2009 July 4, 2024 (2:37 pm)

    Derp  I raised the Fairmont closure issue to peds bike’s months ago.  In a recent review of the ROW maps I noticed ROW, Belvidere, available for a trail connection, a future opportunity to be explored.

    • ltfd July 4, 2024 (5:35 pm)

      Ferry Ave SW provides a route downhill to the Water Taxi, via a block of Calif. Way SW.

    • Erin July 5, 2024 (12:49 pm)

      You might want to turn on the topography base map and then go to the City of Seattle GIS and turn on the ECA layers before suggesting that.  This is steep slope, wildlife habitat, and environmentally sensitive area that you are suggesting be turned into a path.

  • Admiral-2009 July 5, 2024 (6:37 pm)

    Erin yes stairs would be needed, similar to what the City installed on 53rd Ave SW between Halleck and Hughes Avenues SW

  • Laugh-a-bull July 7, 2024 (2:49 pm)

    It’s not similar at all. 

    The distance from Fairmount Ave SW to any of the streets at the top of the steep slope gulch would be 3x or 4x the distance of the stairs at Halleck, we’re talking 300 to 400 feet of downward slope.  Not to mention they’d be installing stairs on private property. 

    I’ve been up & down the steep slopes around my house on Fairmount cutting back ivy that’s grown 200′ up pines (on city land), it is very difficult terrain.  The thought of the city installing stairs down that steep slope is beyond laughable, now & in the future.

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