SCHOOL SAFETY: Clear backpacks? Closed campuses? Superintendent ponders policy changes

When Seattle Public Schools superintendent Dr. Brent Jones announced earlier today that he would delay the release of a potential school-closure plan until September, that information was the second half of a message to the community. The first half involved another major proposal – possible policies to address school violence. Dr. Jones’s message began with a reference to the recent shooting death of a Garfield High School student; he did not mention January’s shooting death of 15-year-old Chief Sealth International HS student Mobarak Adam, at the Southwest Center/Pool across the street from the school, but that still weighs heavily on hearts and minds here. The superintendent’s message promises “concrete steps to enhance the safety of our school environments.” He promises “to include gun violence prevention in high schools and increased mental health support for all grades” and says he has “allocated over $2 million for staff to improve school building exteriors and campus security.”

Beyond that, he lists possible policy changes that “may include”:

-Increasing SPS security and neighborhood safety organization patrols around our buildings.
-Wearing identification badges on campus.
-Requiring clear backpacks.
-Closing campuses for lunch.

Dr. Jones says he will be talking with “regional and building leaders about the needs of their school communities” before any decisions are made. He also mentioned the SPS Safe Schools Hotline 206-252-0510 that “can be used 24/7 to report any threats to our schools.” Chief Sealth IHS administration said some safety changes were made there after Mobarak Adam’s death, as detailed at a lightly attended safety forum in April.

14 Replies to "SCHOOL SAFETY: Clear backpacks? Closed campuses? Superintendent ponders policy changes"

  • 1994 June 25, 2024 (10:07 pm)

    Yes to closed campus for lunch! Students should not be able to leave campus to visit Westwood Village during lunch. Frequently I have seen students stuffing things in their backpacks at QFC. Some students are not visiting to buy lunch but a number are visiting to steal. 

    • Neighbor June 25, 2024 (10:49 pm)

      Ridiculous.  You think closing the campus will stop thieves from stealing?  Theft is already against the rules, why would kids who steal follow this new rule?  I’m sure this policy feels nice to you but in reality it will only hurt the majority of good, honest kids.

  • ACG June 25, 2024 (11:01 pm)

    Closed campuses might be a good idea. It would have eliminated the situation with the fatal shooting at Garfield High School, and I wonder if that could have also prevented Mobarak Adam’s tragic death also. I think of Mobarak’s family every time I drive by the Southwest Pool facility. If they are reading this, please know he is not forgotten by our community!

  • bolo June 26, 2024 (12:43 am)

    Are they really thinking requiring clear backpacks will stop students bringing guns into the campus? How hard it it to wrap a gun in a sweatshirt and carry it in the backpack? Look in the clear backpack and what do you see? Some books, phone, charger, sweatshirt, candy. Passed.

    • K June 26, 2024 (6:58 am)

      When I was in high school, we weren’t allowed to carry backpacks at all inside the building.  You took it to your locker at the beginning of the day, then just carried books the rest of the time.  We also had metal detectors at the doors, random locker searches (sometimes with drug dogs), and were required to wear visible student ID badges at all times while in the building.  But that was also the 90s, when crime was a lot worse than it is now.  Clear backpacks seem like a less extreme step, and can help not just with weapons coming into the school, but also things like drugs that also lead to violence.  Seems worth trying that first, before taking us all the way back to the good old days of hyper security in public high school.

  • Scott June 26, 2024 (8:31 am)

    Is the School District going to buy all the students clear backpacks. Seems like a stretch to require that. If you are going to require clear backpacks, then why don’t you require uniforms also.  

  • Nicole June 26, 2024 (8:51 am)

    Surrounding businesses will be impacted by closed campus lunches.  Many people on the blog here say kids steal, but the vast majority pay for their lunch.   Personally I would prefer campus to be closed for safety reasons, but there will be business impacts, just saying. Also,  SPS is going to have to level up their lunch offerings really quick!

  • Safe in school June 26, 2024 (9:42 am)

    School safety is vital. To be safe at school, a student must be at school. Attendance is a safety issue. Track it. Enforce it. What habits are formed by being at school daily for all classes? What happens (habits form) when kids are not at school (excepting health related absences with verification.) Being at school is good start to being safe at school.

  • SLJ June 26, 2024 (10:53 am)

    Closed campus at lunch isn’t a good idea. Both the tragedies at Ingraham and Garfield happened on campus (Garfield was in the parking lot, which I would think would still be open at lunch so kids could go outside). There isn’t much space for the number of kids at the schools to all stay for lunch. Some kids go home for lunch, either to save money or to relax, take a break if having trouble with friends, etc. The shoplifting at QFC and Safeway is terrible–but that requires police to monitor illegal activity and shoplifting happens after school too. I know everyone wants to keep the kids safe, and I want my high school child safe too, but closing campus for lunch is a feel-better solution, not an actual solution.

    • Wes res June 26, 2024 (1:55 pm)

      And a lot of kids get in trouble or skip school for the rest of the day or get back late. The high schools can create a schedule with staggered lunch times like most schools do. Open campus lunch for all grade levels was the dumbest thing to do after the pandemic. I am sure food trucks would love to visit the parking lot during lunch if SPS can’t figure out how to  feed all the students during lunch times.

    • 90s kid June 26, 2024 (9:26 pm)

      I’m dating myself here, but the summer after Columbine, my high school was fenced and closed. My school had 1500 kids, so lunch breaks were staggered anyway. Had to show school ID going thru the gates. Access to the parking lot was not allowed during school hours unless you had a parent note you had to go to a dr’s appointment or something. We absolutely hated it, don’t get me wrong. And yes, notes were dead easy to fake, but also they kept track and checked with parents if it happened regularly. It’s worked. Looking back, I realize teenagers need adults to make the hard unpopular decisions sometimes.

  • Kyle June 26, 2024 (12:38 pm)

    Closed campus for lunch would be safer. Would be inconvenient for other reasons but would be safer. I don’t see the clear backpack thing making much of a dent in safety, just creating another expense for a broke district.

  • Melissa June 26, 2024 (3:29 pm)

    Not sure how closed campus makes sense with limited space in the school and running start, etc. allowing students to come and go. More students in a confined space may also lead to more conflict. Need that bit of air and space to clear the mind each day.

  • Jon Wright June 27, 2024 (12:57 am)

    Security theater.

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